Solo Leveling 106 Spoilers, Solo Leveling Chapter 106 Raw Out Soon

Jin-Woo finally defeated the ant king and healed Cha Hae-In and now fans can’t wait to read the upcoming Solo Leveling 106 spoilers and raw scans.

Solo Leveling is the incredibly popular webtoon based on Chu-Gong’s web novel. Its fantastic artwork is done by Jang Sungrak and it is serialized in Kakao. Currently, there is a petition with more than 80000 votes to adapt it into an animated series.

It follows the story of Sung Jin-Woo, a weak E-rank hunter who had a double awakening. We follow his journey, as he levels up and becomes the strongest S-rank hunter in South Korea and possibly, the whole world.

Solo Leveling 106

We are currently in the epilogue of the Jeju Island Raid arc. We saw Sung Jin-Woo dominate the incredibly strong Ant-King and save his fellow hunters. As everyone in the world gets a glimpse of Jin-Woo’s terrifying abilities, we get to the latest Chapter 105.

Solo Leveling Chapter 105 recap:

The Korean hunters who participated in the Jeju Raid are now aware of Sung Jin-Woo’s abilities and are in a state of total shock. They watch in awe as the summoned shadow of the deal healer Byung’Gu heals the critically wounded Cha Hae-In.

Realizing the good nature of Byung Gu, Sung Jin-Woo cancels the summon and frees the soul of Byung’Gu, a person who genuinely hated fighting. The hunters return home but Jin-Woo doesn’t leave with them. The Japanese hunters are dumbfounded when they learn about the Ant King’s defeat.

Elsewhere David Brennen, the Director of the Hunter Management Bureau permits Michael Connor to recruit Sung Jin-Woo even though it will strain their relations with South Korea. They discuss Jin-Woo and the ‘Sung Il-Hwan Incident’ involving his father.

Jin-Woo uses a new sword from his inventory to eliminate the rest of the ants and finally reaches Level 100! He now attempts to retrieve the Shadow of the Ant king.

While it only takes him a single try, the fierce aura of the dead King clads Jin-Woo in darkness and numbs his senses. However, the darkness fades and Jin-Woo faces his new General rank servant.

Solo Leveling 106 will be released soon and for the fans who can’t wait to read the upcoming Solo Leveling chapter 106 spoilers, we have shared the spoilers and predictions and we will be sharing the links as soon as they get released.

Solo Leveling Chapter 106 spoilers and theories:

Now that the Ant-King’s shadow has been extracted, the biggest question is what will be its name and how strong will it be? Potentially, it can be the strongest shadow yet and can defeat several S rank hunters on its own. Only at Rank 1, it is general class; how strong will it be when it levels up? Why did the darkness clad Jin-Woo during the extraction? Is it a new feature from the system or is it foreshadowing something bigger?

We saw how Jin-Woo flew away on his shadow dragon. What did he name the shadow? Is the dragon capable of fighting? If the dragon has been extracted, what about the Shadow of the Demon King Baran, was it extracted as well? If yes, then Jin-Woo will have 3 General class shadows!

Now we see that International Associations are trying to recruit Jin-Woo even though it hampers diplomatic relations. So will Jin-Woo join them or will he turn them down to be the best in Korea? We think he will stay in Korea, based on his previous pattern of actions.

Even if he does, will he now form a new guild or join an already existing guild? Whose guild will he join? However, the bigger issue is, will this all develop into an international conflict?

Korea and Japan’s relations are already strained and in Solo Leveling Chapter 106, we will probably see Korea facing more heat from other countries as well. How is this issue going to be handled now that most of Korea’s S-rank hunters are tired from the recent battle?

How does Jin-Woo’s father factor into this mess? What is the mystery behind him? What is the danger he spoke of? Who saved him? Did he face some new, more threating power during his disappearance? When will he meet his family? Why is he laying low? All of these might be answered in Chapter 106.

Solo Leveling Chapter 106 Raw scans:

Since it’s a Korean, the manhwa is initially made in Korean and after getting the raw scans, various scantellators translate them to English. It takes several hours and we are doing our best to get the scans to you as swift as possible.

If you have any problems, queries or reactions, please share them in the comment section and don’t forget to check out our One Piece and upcoming Solo Leveling articles from our site.

When will Solo Leveling 106 get released?

Solo Leveling Chapter 106 will be released on February 20, 2020.