Sony Pushes 2-Factor Authentication on Playstation after Frequent Hacking!

Your personally curated collection of games with all the saved progress and other cool stuff must be there on your PlayStation. Now what if you suddenly weren’t able to access all that? Even the mere thought of this happening is terrifying for any PlayStation user. 

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A hacked PlayStation account does not just threaten the content on your playstation, but all the crucial information associated with your account. This can include your name, address, and most importantly linked credit cards.

While no account is completely safe, Sony has proposed a solution to make your accounts more secure.

Sony has urged its users to activate 2-factor authentication on their PlayStation Network accounts. 

[PSN ™ Be careful about taking over your account]

 Recently, PSN ™ We have received many inquiries from customers whose accounts have been hijacked. As a countermeasure, we recommend setting 2-step verification. Click here for the setting method

English Translation, Twitter Translate

The 2FA or two factor authentication is a security method to control access to your account. Any time you log into your account, an additional six-digit code would be required to gain access to your account which can be generated on your phone via a text message or an authentication app.

Sony addressed the problem on their Japanese Ask PlayStation Twitter account after it received many reports from users who had their account hacked. 

Apparently, a new vulnerability in the system is being exploited by hackers after the recent update. The PlayStation Network seems to be in a bit of a bump lately. 

Earlier this month they had asked users to make sure they were buying PlayStation Plus instead of a PlayStation Now subscription by mistake. Not to mention the accidental release of the Demon Slayer film.

PlayStation Blunder! Store Accidentally Pre-Releases Kimetsu No Yaiba Film

Although this was about PlayStation, it is a good idea to activate 2FA on your other accounts as well. Protect your PSN account and keep enjoying those games!

Source: Ask PlayStation JP Twitter Account

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