‘Suzume no Tojimari’ Receives Tie-ins with Every Prefecture in Japan
Over the years, Makoto Shinkai films have become their own brand. Some truly remarkable movies have been made under the label, and Suzume no Tojimari is the latest addition to Shinkai films.
The movie will premiere this week, and staff members have devised a perfect solution to promote the series while staying in character with its plot.
Suzume no Tojimari will open on November 11, 2022 in Japan. Crunchyroll, Sony Pictures Entertainment, and Wild Bunch International will distribute the movie worldwide in early 2023.
The latest marketing campaign for the movie has opened the road to collaboration with 47 companies simultaneously. Each company represents a prefecture in Japan.

Now let me explain why this strategy is a very clever one. Suzume no Tojimari deals with open doors all over Japan that lead to disasters. So, basically, there are doors that are in different prefectures. Banding together with companies from different areas thus gives the film a more reel-to-real feel.
The “Door-Locking Project” which is a reference to the movie, aims to confront the difficulties in society to lighten modern Japan. Tie-up commercials will also be released as a part of the campaign.

Suzume even has a collaboration with McDonald’s Japan to produce Happy Meals featuring the movie. A spinoff picture book that is linked to the original plot is bundled with the Happy Meal.
Below is a list of all the participating companies that will collaborate with Suzume:
- Hokkaido: Sanpo Shoji
- Aomori: Yamamoto Foods
- Iwate: Morioka Terminal Buildlng
- Miyagi: Kasho Sanzen
- Akita: Kanbun Gondendo
- Yamagata: Kineya
- Fukushima: Kashiwaya
- Ibaraki: Ibaraki Hitachiwagyu Beef Promotion Association
- Tochigi: Ashikaga Flower Park
- Gunma: Yokoo Daily Foods
- Saitama: Saitama Super Arena
- Chiba: Narita International Airport
- Tokyo: Sunshine City
- Kanagawa: Sagamiko Resort Pleasure Forest
- Niigata: Ajinoren
- Toyama: Nousaku
- Ishikawa: Hokuriku Confectionery
- Fukui: Egawa
- Yamanashi: Kikyouya
- Nagano: Yawataya Isogoro
- Gifu: Meiho Ham
- Shizuoka: Mishima Skywalk
- Aichi: Nakamo
- Mie: Asahiya
- Shiga: Watayo
- Kyoto: Bijuu
- Osaka: 551 Horai
- Hyogo: Hotel New Awaji
- Nara: Nara Kenko Land & Nara Plaza Hotel
- Wakayama: Traffic Comfort
- Tottori: Daisen Nyugyo Agricultural Cooperative Association
- Shimane: Yuushien Garden
- Okuyama: Koeido
- Hiroshima: Nishikido
- Yamaguchi: Yoshida Suisan
- Tokushima: Ono Seimen
- Kagawa: Reoma Unity
- Ehime: Hatada
- Kochi: Hamako
- Fukuoka: Hiyoko
- Saga: Miyajima Shoyu
- Nagasaki: Kujukushima Group
- Kumamoto: Fujibambi
- Oita: Kijima Kogen Amusement Park
- Miyazaki: Miyazaki Car Ferry
- Kagoshima: Shiroyama Hotel Kagoshima
- Okinawa: Formost Blue Seal

Makoto Shinkai has thus perfected its marketing campaigns, and fans look forward to more creative projects after Suzume.
About Suzume no Tojimari
Suzume no Tojimari is an anime film by Makoto Shinkai. It is set to premiere on November 11, 2022.
The film focuses on Suzume, a 17-year old girl who meets a young man looking for a door. Suzume finds a strange door among ruins and opens it, but due to it many doors start opening around Japan, causing disasters. Now, Suzume has to close all of them to save Japan.
Source: Official Website
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