Tag: Anime


Powerful Bleach Characters in the Final Arc

Find out everything there is to know about the most powerful people in the Bleach universe right here. Grimmjow Jaegerjacquez Even if Grimmjow Jaegerjacquez is a pompous bore, his strength is undeniable. When Grimmjow activates Resurrección Pantera, he becomes an extremely formidable adversary, capable of

Anime That Didn't Come From Manga

The Greatest Anime That Didn’t Come From Manga

The majority of anime draws its inspiration from manga. However, there are many excellent anime series that aren’t adapted from manga or light novels. What follows is a complete guide of non-Manga based anime series. Psycho-Pass The anime series Psycho-Pass deals with psychiatric themes and

Anime Families

Anime Families That Are Perfect For Adopting

In anime, the family unit takes several forms. Families play a significant role in the histories and identities of anime characters, regardless of how huge or little they are, or whether they are nuclear, extended, related, or adoptive. The influence of one’s family on one’s