Tag: Anime

The Five Most Evil Doctors In Anime

The Five Most Evil Doctors In Anime

In general, doctors are seen as venerated part of society. They heal and treat the numerous maladies of their people, putting decades of study to good use. However, there are many anime doctors who do not share such noble goals. Here is everything you need

5 Best Anime Villains, Ranked

It’s likely common to hate villains and love heroes but at some point, villains are super cool and can’t be hated. Here are the 5 best anime villains, ranked. Read this: Here’s The Most Evil Anime Villains Of All Time Bertholdt Hoover (Attack On Titan)

Five Happiest Anime Villains

Here are the five happiest anime villains. Nui Harime (Kill La Kill) Although she was Kill La Kill’s most twisted villain, Nui Harime was surprisingly chipper. She giggled amidst her worst crimes, whether it was murdering Ryuko’s father or taunting her about his death. Nui’s personality

Best Female Leads In Shonen Anime

Here is everything you need to know about the best female leads in Shonen Anime. Anzu Hoshino (Romantic Killer) Anzu only has video games, chocolate, and cats on the brain, making herself out to be an “Anti-Heroine”. Unfortunately, the wizard-like creature Riri tries to make