The God Of Highschool Chapter 538: Mubong As The Merciless God! Release Date & Plot
It appears that The God Of Highschool Chapter 538 will take an ironic turn which was predicted for far too long. Mubong created a new world and his children to get rid of the impurities that the original planet had. However, seeing that the new Earth carries a few bugs, the god has decided to destroy it. Mubong called for his Fourth Symbol, Badro, and attacked his creation within a flash. The final panel saw a disastrous change in the self-proclaimed god. Finally, it can be easily said that Mubong has turned out to be the thing he hated the most, a merciless god. So, here is everything about the latest chapter.
The following chapters will continue to experience Mubong destroying his own creation. No one can or inhibits the power to stop him unless Jin Mori changes his mind. It is seen that the protagonist is far too busy with the medic and the two Generation X children. So, the next chapter can highlight these details.

The God Of Highschool Chapter 538: What Will Happen Next?
As the final panel suggests, Mubong is destroying all of his newly created Earth. However, as he does so, Jin Mori and the medic are heading towards the ends of the planet. Eve and Issac have accompanied them once again. Thus, The God Of Highschool Chapter 538 will reveal what shall happen to the group. If Mubong continues to destroy the Earth, then there is a chance that the medic and Jin Mori will also get succumbed to the madness.
The next chapter will signify the damage that Mubong has let to his world. Moreover, the casualties that come with it. It can also be foreseen that another knockdown between Jin Mori and Park Mubong might take place in the near future. However, both are extremely injured. The future of Generation X also seems very uncertain. All in all, it goes without a question that Park Mubong has steered away from his true motives and transformed into the god he truly hates.

Previous Chapter Recap!
The God Of Highschool Chapter 537 brought the executives ruthlessly killing children of the new Earth. They called this acceptable since they have suffered losses of their own. In the sneak attack, Miquel, the leader of the children, died. This led to Generation X planning to terminate Issac since he has the least years left to live. However, this triggered the medic, and she decided to run away with Issac and Jin. Eve joined them in the rescue.
The next panel showed Park Mubong finally waking up from his treatment. He concluded that there were a few bugs that needed fixing. He entered the Central and killed every executive in his sight. The new god then sat on his concrete throne and took a look at the world he had created. However, Mubong soon called for his first symbol, Mandala, and began destroying everything around. The final panel of the series found Jin and the medic pushing their way to the end of the world.

The God Of Highschool Chapter 538: Release Date
Seems like Jin Mori’s nemesis opened his eyes and chose violence as his last resort. So, The God Of Highschool Chapter 538 will release on April 29, 2022. The chapter will be available on Webtoon for reading. Thus, for more updates, stay tuned.