The Heiki Story’s OP and ED Sequence Foreshadow Heiki’s Misfortune
Whenever a major event takes place in a story, it’s very satisfying to look back and notice all the foreshadowing that led to it. In the case of The Heiki Story, the prophecy angle perfectly flips that order of satisfaction.
Even with that, the things that lead to the inevitable are still enjoyable to watch because there is a small chance it might not come true.
The medium of anime has the unique opportunity to deliver that foreshadowing of possibility or impossibility through its openings and endings.
The official website for The Heiki Story has released creditless opening and ending sequences for the anime.
The OP sequence has Biwa running through a field to grab Shigemori’s hand. She starts to recall all the nobility she has befriended and the glimpses of misfortune that will eventually befall them, including Shigemori fighting in a war.
The opening theme “Hikaru Toki” is performed by Hitsuji Bungaku.
The monochrome visuals of ED are more subtle in their approach. We see Biwa in the future, indicated by her long hair and female attire. She is constantly trying to see soothing images of nature but ends up blowing out a flickering candle, maybe symbolizing the end of the Heiki empire that she set in motion with her prophecy.
The ending theme “Unified Perspective” is performed by agraph featuring ANI (SCHADARAPARR).
The Heike Story September 2021 Premiere On Funimation, Latest Updates
Biwa has already stated how she hates her ability to see the future. As she eventually grows closer to Shigemori’s siblings, though, she might be forced to use it to help Shigemori avoid the family’s downfall.

Together with their dead seeing eye and future sight, will Shigemori and Biwa be able to change the future? Or Shigemori’s father’s actions have already ensured the inevitable?
About The Heike Story
The Heike Story is an original anime by Studio Science SARU which follows the story of a musician girl Biwa, who has the power to see ghosts and the future. She befriends the heir of the powerful Taira clan and prophesies the clan’s eventual downfall.
The story is adapted from Hideo Furukawa’s novel Heiki Monogatari, a retelling of the 12th century Genpei War between the Taira and the Minamoto clan for the control of Japan.
Source: The Heiki Story Official Website
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