The tides of the war are ever-changing with the two sides constantly bringing out new cards! Mael has joined the side of the Assault Force while the Original Demon has finally made its appearance! Now fans are wondering what will happen in The Seven Deadly Sins Season 4 Episode 9?
The two high-ranking demons Chandler and Cusack determine Escanor and Merlin as troublesome opponents. In order to protect Zeldris decide to fuse into their original form, the Original Demon. At the same time, Mael realized why he was transformed into Estarossa by Gowther and is now back into his true self.
Meanwhile, fans are still wondering how Meliodas and Ban will manage to come out of Purgatory. The Demon King has finally shown himself in Nanatsu no Taizai Season 4. Can they find a way to defeat the strongest demon?

The anime is right now covering bits of New Holy War Arc and the Demon King Arc and we will see a lot of breathtaking fights taking place!
Today, we will give you all the details about The Seven Deadly Sins S4 Ep 9!
One Piece 1006 and Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 141 will also be published this week, so don’t forget to read them.
English subbed episode to be out in next few hours, stay tuned!
The Seven Deadly Sins Season 4 Episode 9 Release Date and Time:
Currently in its fourth season, Nanatsu no Taizai: Fundo no Shinpan is listed officially for 24 episodes. That means without any break, we will be getting to the long awaited finale of the anime!
The Seven Deadly Sins S4 Episode 9 titled “The Doorway to Hope” is scheduled to officially air on Wednesday, March 10th, 2021 at 5:55 AM JST in Japan. This means the episode will be available in the United States at 2:55 AM PST on March 10th, 2021.
In Europe, the ninth episode of Season 4 of the anime will be available for streaming near 12:25 PM CET on Wednesday, March 10th.
If you live in India, you can watch The Seven Deadly Sins S04EP09 with English Subtitles around 4:25 PM IST on the same date.
Also, make sure to watch Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 21 and One Piece Episode 965 as they will also be airing this week.
Where to Watch Nanatsu no Taizai Final Season Episode 9 Online?
The next episode of the anime will be available along with English Subs in its official platform—Netflix Japan. The Eng Dub episodes get added a bit later in the same platform.
The Seven Deadly Sins Season 2 Episode 9 Spoilers and Preview!
The Doorway to Hope has finally opened in the latest episode of The Seven Deadly Sins S4. After being stuck for over 60 years, Meliodas, Ban and Wild combine their strength to fight against the Demon King.
The Demon King can absorb all the magical power when he is attacked and they have no way to deal damage.
Meliodas helps Ban to escape from Purgatory finally but stays behind! Can he come up with a secret plan to defeat his father, the Demon King?
If we’re talking about Meliodas, he has always met the expectations of his companions. How do you think will Meliodas fight against this powerful foe that seems to not get damaged by any attack?
On the other hand, Ban’s stay in Purgatory has made him way stronger than before. He kills off all the demons near Elaine and the others in a snap before reuniting with his love.
The only one left to join the war between the Sins and the demons is now Meliodas. We might also see the strength of the Original Demon in the next episode!

So stay tuned to get all your questions answered in The Seven Deadly Sins S4 Ep 9! The preview with Eng Subs will be added as soon as it gets released.
Summary of Season 4 Episode 8
Meliodas and Ban along with their new friend, Wild are stuck in Purgatory while still looking for a way out. They encounter the Demon King but are no match for him.
Ban tries to take him on despite his huge stature. Meliodas rescuses him and decides to fight instead of escaping. Wild uses all his life force to hold the Demon King back and manages to push the two towards the exit gate. However, the King attacks again.
Meliodas decides to face him and manages to send Ban back out of Purgatory. He meets the other Sins who are glad to have him back.
Without wasting any time, he goes to help his true love in distress, Elaine and rescues her killing off all the demons in the way!
The English sub Episode preview will be here soon. So stay tuned and read our article on Noblesse Season 2 while you wait.