To Your Eternity’s Second Season is Here And It Doesn’t Disappoint
The much-anticipated second season of the fantasy anime To Your Eternityis finally out. Season 2 of the thrilling drama based on the manga written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Ōima, premiered on October 23, 2022.
To Your Eternity’s story focuses on an immortal being called Fushi who is sent to Earth by his mysterious creator, The Beholder. Fushi is given the responsibility of preserving all of creation, but his enemies, monsters known as Nokkers, will stop at nothing until they take him down.

As Fushi is immortal, the Nokker may not be able to kill him, but they have made repeated attempts to strip Fushi of his memories and leave him in the state of his inception – a smooth orb.
Since it has been over the year since season one ended back in August 2021, audiences might need a refresher on what has happened so far.
Towards the end of the first season, Fushi came to realize that his powers and immortality were a curse as death followed in his wake everywhere he went. People around him would keep getting hurt and dying.
Fushi managed to successfully evade the Nokkers, however, losing so many of his friends and loved ones made him believe that keeping people at a distance is for the best. After watching his dear friend Pioran lose herself to dementia and die, Fushi made the decision to isolate himself on an island.

In the last episode of the first season, Fushi was on an island where for an undisclosed number of years he killed and ate Nokkers that would come upon him. In the final scene, Fushi looked much older and grizzly than he did when he first came to Earth.
Season 2 is being produced by Studio Drive under the direction of Kiyoko Sayama and so far, has done an excellent job of replicating the original composition and art style. The opening for season 2 features the same song as the previous season, “Pink Blood” by Hikaru Utada.
Season 2 picks up 40 years after Fushi has been on the island. In Episode 1 (Infatuation Reborn), it is revealed that Fushi has not shape-shifted in a while and he is seen talking to The Beholder about how he has been hiding on this island for so long.
The pacing of this season is much different from the last. The first episode is quick-paced with multiple things happening one after another, unlike the first season where the pacing was slow and steady. To Your Eternitywas a slow, mysterious anime where the viewer gets to take in every moment and watch as a clear narrative unfolds.
Few parts of the episode like the underwater story and reincarnation explanation feel rushed and out of place. More material was crammed into a single episode than there should have been.
Apart from changes in pacing and narrative progression, there are several new characters introduced in this episode. Hisame, a young girl who is Hayase’s granddaughter, is the leader of the Guardians, a group dedicated to serving and protecting Fushi.
A large portion of the season 2 episode 1 explores how Fushi adapts to Hisame’s presence, and wonders if he can trust the girl or not. Fushi’s reluctance to trust her makes sense as she killed both March and Parona in Season 1.
When a small group of people reach the island, several details of what transpired in the world while Fushi was on the island are revealed. The episode ends by having built up a significant amount of tension, leaving the viewer anticipating what will happen next.

Overall, the episode does well in carrying forward Fushi’s story. It explores all that Fushi went through on the island over the past 40 years and introduces several new and interesting characters.
However, the episode is not without its faults, as the fast pace caused several moments to fall flat and the lack of a clear arc was noticeable. The pace at which the story is going gives little room for the audience to absorb this information and for it to have much of an impact.
About To Your Eternity
To Your Eternity is a manga series by Yoshitoki Oima. It has been serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump since 2016. Crunchyroll releases its manga in English. It is being adapted into an anime by Studio Brain’s Base and will be released on April 12th.
The story follows an immortal being named Fushi whose purpose is to gain knowledge of the world. He travels from Kingdom to Kingdom and witnesses humans displaying their emotions. As the story progresses, this being takes the form of an abandoned boy and his wolf.
Source: To Your Eternity Anime Season 2 Episode 1
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