Top 10 Strongest Charyeok in God of High School, Ranked!
The God of High School, by Yongje Park, is a famous Korean manhwa webtoon that’s currently being made into an anime.
It is gaining widespread popularity thanks to its fast-paced story and well-animated fight scenes.
With the declaration of war in episode 8, and both the “heroes” and “villains” powering up, it is finally time to go to war.
The recent releases have served as a reminder that “God of High School” is not simply about martial arts but also godly and demonic powers.
With the way it’s going, it has the potential to secure a place among the top Shonen anime, and I cannot wait to see all that is to come.
As an extremely unique power system is being explained in the anime, I have taken the time to go through the webtoon and make a list of the top 10 strongest charyeok seen till its season three.
Unfortunately, this list will be containing a lot of spoilers, so proceed with caution!
10 Megalodon
Charyeok User – Taek Jegal
Affiliations – G.O.H Tournament, South Gyeongsang Team
Signature Ability – Shark Summon
Megalodon is the Charyeok of Jegal Taek, one of the top three fighters in the country, and the National’s arc’s main antagonist.
Appearance-wise, this charyeok takes the form of an extremely large shark with six eyes and x-mark scars all over its body.
This borrowed power can be used to pierce enemies, consume them, as well as shield its user from attacks.

In the match against North Jeolla, Taek summoned its teeth to impale his opponents and almost killed them.
Despite Megaladon being a powerful charyeok, it was never developed by Taek, as he focused on growing stronger through other means like implanting greed in his body.
Due to this, it is ranked 10th on this list.
9 Wind Manipulation (Name Unknown)
Charyeok User – Executive R
Affiliations – Nox
Signature Ability – Six Gusts of Wind
Executive R’s original Charyeok, while yet to be explained, revolves around the manipulation of wind.
It gives him the ability to create and control wind at will, such as summoning cyclones or even generating small ones in his palm to attack.

With his borrowed power, he can also create a bow made of wind and shoots arrows that can easily pierce the body of an executive-level fighter.
The main reason why R’s charyeok is placed in the 9th position is that there is still a lot unknown about it.
8 Haetae
Charyeok User – Han Daewi
Affiliations – G.O.H Tournament, Seoul Team
Signature Ability – Water Shield
Daewi’s Charyeok is Haetae, a watery creature capable of easily blocking another Charyeok attack.
In its full form, it resembles a blue dog-like creature with multiple fangs, big nose and eyes, and a top hat. His borrowed power also has the ability to heal.
Furthermore, Haetae gives Daewi the ability to manipulate water and create everything from water blades to tidal waves.

He can also control the very density of water and use it to both attack and defend.
In the series, he has often been shown to use his borrowed power to create floating water bubbles, as well as fire a huge Light Beam from its mouth that is enough to stun gods.
With its versatile and powerful abilities, Haetae is one of the best charyeok’s and is constantly evolving.
7 Joker
Charyeok User – Executive Q
Affiliations – G.O.H Executives
Signature Ability – Grand Circus & Black Magician
Executive Q’s charyeok, Joker, was first revealed in episode 3 of GOH, and then gave us further glimpses into its power during his fight with Nox.
This borrowed power is seen carrying a scythe, small blades, and cards, which he can use to attack.
Furthermore, since Q is a lineal descendant of Joker, he is capable of both Direct Contract and Powerlenderization.

This charyeok has considerable skills in its arsenal, such as Joker’s Prank, which will summon a joker when an enemy gets close, or the Grand Circus, which summons Four clowns that attack Q’s opponent.
When using another ability called Pantomime that he gets during powerlenderization, Q becomes so powerful that he is able to stop Geundowun’s lightning strike and cover all of the earth.
Due to its tremendous strength, tricks, and skills, Joker is ranked 5th on this list.
6 Dragon Slayer
Charyeok User – Executive O
Affiliations – G.O.H Executives
Signature Ability – Dragon Slayer Sword
Executive O’s charyeok, Dragon Slayer, gives him the ability to summon and command dragons.
However, before commanding them, he has to fight the dragons and earn their respect.

After getting them to submit, Executive O can manipulate fire, resurrect dead dragons using spells, put protective barriers, as well as use their teeth to form powerful weapons.
Dragon Slayer is a unique charyeok as no one can seal it, mainly because the dragons stay with him due to their own free will.
5 Longinus
Charyeok User – Park Mujin
Affiliations – The Six & G.O.H
Signature Ability – Gravity Manipulation
Longinus, Park Mujin’s borrowed power, is the very first charyeok we saw in the series.
Even from a large distance, its power was enough to flatten an entire island and change its topography.
Mujin channels his borrowed power, usually in the shape of a cross, through his right hand, which also has the same imprinted on it.

The base ability of this charyeok is gravity manipulation, which he can use both as defense and offense.
As Longinus’s true form is a centurion soldier wielding a spear, Mujin can create numerous deadly spears as well.
After the taboo was removed, the charyeok had no limits and allowed Mujin to become strong enough to crush heavenly beings such as nephilims and even gods easily.
Who Is Park Mujin In God Of High School? How strong is Park?
4 The Great Magician
Charyeok User – Jaeson Jeon
Affiliations – The Six
Signature Ability – Teleportation & Meteor Summoning
Also known as a living ‘National Treasure,’ Jaeson Jeon is a member of The Six and can manifest a powerful charyeok known as ‘The Great Magician.’
These borrowed powers allow him to cast magic with his wand as well as perform alchemy strong enough to combine hundreds of nuclear missiles into one gigantic one.

Additionally, this charyeok also gives him the power to teleport and summon meteors, as seen in his fight against Mandeok Sang.
Doing justice to his position as one of The Six, his borrowed power, ‘The Great Magician,’ is definitely one of the very best.
3 Nine-Tails Guardian
Charyeok User – Park Ilpyo
Affiliations – G.O.H Tournament, South Chungcheong team
Signature Ability – Tails Activation
Park Ilpyo, the South Chungcheong team leader in G.O.H, has one of the most unique charyeok’s on this list, i.e., the Nine-Tails Guardian.
The reason for this is that his charyeok is actually a key with the potential to break the taboo and attack gods, Nephilims, and other heavenly realm beings.

Other than enhancing his physique and strength, the Nine-Tails Guardian also provides Ilpyo with the ability to manipulate fire, with which he can create blades and scythes to attack his enemy.
Furthermore, he can summon up to 9 tails, and the greater the number of tails activated, the greater is the power and burden placed upon his body.
In addition to aiding Ilpyo in defeating Mori with just a few kicks, Nine-Tails Guardian is extremely powerful and deserves its place in the third position.
2 God’s Blades
Charyeok User – Mandeok Sang
Affiliations – Nox
Signature Ability – God’s Iron Mace
Mandeok Sang’s charyeok, ‘God’s Blades,’ fit his high ranking as one of Nox’s priests.
This borrowed power can help him conjure and control blades, as well as summon nephilims and angels.
Furthermore, he can use it in multiple other ways, i.e., by teleporting, manipulating energy, and even generating a shield.

Since he is a member of the Nox, Mandeok has access to the original way of borrowing power, which allowed ‘God’s Blades’ to become even stronger, resulted in him overpowering three members of The Six.
In the recent episodes, we already saw him manifesting his charyeok in the form of a single giant blade and successfully capturing Jin Taejin – a man with enough power to rival gods.
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1 Trinity: The Gods of the Wind, the Rain, and the Clouds
Charyeok User – Kim Ungnyeo
Affiliations – The Six
Signature Ability – Reality Warping
Kim Ungnyeo’s charyeok, Trinity: The Gods of the Wind, the Rain, and the Clouds, is the strongest charyeok in the God of High School series. With it, she can warp reality itself, and change it to what she desires.

Due to her contract with the three gods, she can manipulate the weather and grant anyone’s wishes, even one’s such as reviving the dead.
However, this overpowered ability depends on the amount of energy she has stored up.
Since Ungnyeo uses the original way of borrowing power, she became younger, the more she utilizes her charyeok.
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Furthermore, if used too much, she will regress into an infant and become unable to use her powers any longer.
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