Tower Of God Chapter 533: Baam Takes Leviathan Out! Release Date
The story of Tower of God is getting more interesting with each passing episode. Now that Leviathan is inside Baam’s body. It holds the power to control him and his thoughts. This is the point where the entire narrative of the story shifts. From this point, Baam will no longer be the person who entered the Tower with a determining stature. Here is everything to know about the story forth Tower Of God Chapter 533.
The newest chapter of ToG will open Baam taking Leviathan out of the Tower premises. But he had his reservations about taking the monster outside of the field. If taken out, the people will have to face the wrath of the monster in the outside world. The chapter will deal with the Cat Tower’s disintegration.

Tower Of God Chapter 533: What Will Happen Next?
The next chapter of Tower of God will have many story arcs to deal with. Starting with the disintegration of Cat Tower, the story will see how they all will get out of the region on their own. Sola’s strategy was to catch the mouse so that it could lead the way out of the Tower. Meanwhile, Cha and Fucile were still considering defusing the bombs so that all of them could survive. On the other side, there is Baam, who has succumbed Leviathan inside his body.
Tower Of God Chapter 533 will see how Baam’s powers change when a monster as big as Leviathan enters his body. But he still needs to decide how things will work when he takes the best in the outside world. The chapter will come to an end with Baam stepping outside the cave with Leviathan inside his body.

Previous Chapter Recap!
Chapter 532 of Tower of God started with Baam starting a conversation with the demon. He wanted to take the monster inside his body and get him to the outside world. On the other side, the fight between Baylord Yama and Yasuarachya was catching fire. Yasurachya was the first one to notice that their powers were not as comparable as they thought they would be. He then tells Yama that he was an ignorant man and he had no idea about the Lo Po Bia family.
Yama was quick to answer him as he replied that his father had never taken his side in the story. This was when the fight between them commenced once again. The story shifted back to the Cat Tower, where the match had finished, and the Tower was about to disintegrate. The chapter came to an end with Baam converging his own self with that of the monster.

Tower Of God Chapter 533: Release Date
The story of Tower of God is getting more and more interesting with each passing chapter. As the monster enters the new environ, there are many things that will unfold in the new storyline. Tower Of God Chapter 533 will release this weekend on March 6, 2022. All chapters of the manhwa will be found on the official pages of Kakaopage and Naver. Lastly, keep an eye on this space to get more updates on the same.