Big News! After so many chapters, everyone’s favorite, or let’s say the most hated Rachel is back and in Tower Of God Chapter 546, we will get to know why she is in Po Bidau mothership.
Rachel has been absent from the manhwa for a while and the chapters have been focusing mainly on Bam’s growth, but now that she has been reintroduced, she will stir some problems for sure.
It’s still a secret as to how Rachel got into Po Bidau mothership, has she joined their family, or is she just using them for her benefit?
Khun and the rest have appeared in front of Gustang after using the warp device, they don’t know about the identity of Gustang yet so maybe they will stay away from him and not stir any problems.

On the other hand, Gustang is hell-bent on meeting Traumerei or he will destroy the mothership of the Lo Po Bia family. What do you think will happen?
We expect Tower Of God Season 2 to be announced soon, how many of you are waiting for the return of the second season?
Tower Of God Chapter 546 Release Date
The time for the English chapter to be published is finally here.
Tower Of God 546 raw scans are finally out to read but since they are available to read in the Japanese language, they are easily readable for most the fans.
So the scans are currently being translated and will be available to read soon. How many of you are excited about it?
We expect Chapter 546 English chapter to be published this Sunday 12th June 2022. You can easily find all the available TOG chapters on the Webtoon official website or app.
Return Of The Mount Hua Sect 68 and Eleceed Chapter 198 will also be published this week for fans to read.
Rachel In Po Bidau Mothership
It’s surely been a minute since Rachel was last shown in the Tower Of God manhwa. She appeared again in Chapter 545 on the Po Bidau mothership and she seems to be an influential figure there.
Fans are enraged to see Rachel appear again. This hatred towards her will never fade among the Tower Of God fandom.
The TOG Chapter 546 English scans are only a few hours away and we will get more information on why Rachel has joined the Po Bidau ship and what happened to her plan of climbing the tower.
From the first looks she looks like she holds some power within the Po Bidau family and maybe she is even close to the family leader Gustang.
Maybe Rachel promised Gustang that she will help him kill the irregular of the tower thus getting in his good graces.
All of the Zahard’s army is trying to either catch or kill Bam the irregular and Rachel can surely help them in this mission.
Meanwhile, Traumerei is under the warship where Bam is and a fight between the two seems inevitable. It’s time Bam gets to fight one of the family leaders, and it might happen in Tower Of God Chapter 546.
Do you think Bam has any chance of winning against Traumerei? He has surely gotten very stronger and there’s a high chance that he will put a solid fight against Traumerei.
Do share your thoughts in the comments down below while we bring the TOG 546 raw and English chapter spoilers for everyone to read here on Orianime.