Visual Prison’s Trailer has Vampires Rocking to Metal Music this October
If I had to pick the most visually enticing anime that’s coming this fall, it hands down has to be Visual Prison, a vampiric tale twisted with music and love.
Inspired by the visual kei music genre known for its goth aesthetic and heavy metal music, Visual Prison takes everything the subculture represents and adds its brand of anime drama to deliver something psychedelic.
The newly released visuals are also up to the standards I expected.
The official websitefor the Visual Prison anime shared a new trailer and a key visual on Sunday(September 12)featuring the characters before the premiere on October 8, 2021.
Original / Music Producer
Noriyasu Agematsu x Production A-1 Pictures presents
Original TV animation
“#Visual Prison”.2021.10.08 START
Visual Prison
English Translation, Twitter Translate
The Victorian-era styled visual has the protagonist Angel Yuki sitting on stairs in a rose garden. Surrounding him are the members of three major visual kei bands in the anime. From the top, we have the ghostly members of Eclipse, followed by Los Eden to their right.

At the bottom of the poster, we can glimpse the members of OZ, the band to which Angel Yuki belongs. The visual indeed radiates both fear and curiosity to the viewer, inviting them to the world of visual kei.
The trailer starts with two moons in the night sky, hinting that something supernatural is afoot.
After a few seconds of calm, the metal music kicks in, and the trailer takes off from there. We soon get a montage of various bands as they hit their chords, from mics that look like rapiers and stake to costumes that remind you of tales such as wonderland. The video is sure to leave you in awe.
Though I am in the camp of 2D animation, the use of 3DCG in Visual Prison seems to be quite good.
The perfect blend of various animation techniques, stylized art style, and music is sure to have us all dazzled in the fall.
About Visual Prison
Visual Prison is an original anime by Noriyasu Agematsu and A-1 Pictures. The anime heavily depends on the visual kei subgenre of Japanese rock.
Visual Prison is an annual event in Harajuku where vampires perform the visual kei type of music. Ange Yuki, an orphan, stumbles across the Event one day and encounters his favorite artist.
The bands and music strike a chord deep within him.
Source:Official Website
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