Weak Hero Chapter 203: Ben Park’s Final Fight! Release Date
Fans are rooting for Ben and the other weak heroes so that they can pull off this crucial fight in Weak Hero Chapter 203. Defeating a member of Mamba would send a strong message that these boys are not just a bunch of high school students. Instead, they are budding heroes who are all set to handle the illegal businesses soon enough. So, who will win this brawl between Ben Park and the goon? The next chapter will give away all the answers that the fans are looking forward to. Here is everything to know about the next installment.
In the following storyline, fans will be able to see how Ben Park handles the situation in front of him. It is sure that Alex and Grey would also join him in the fight. But the chances of their winning and loss might not be seen in this chapter.

Weak Hero Chapter 203: What Will Happen Next?
Grey and Alex had no idea who there are dealing with in the last outing. But the fans were shown that this gangster had come to the academy only for one man. And this was Ben Park. There are many storylines that are currently going on in this arc. After what Wolf Keum did in the streets, he has come under the radar of many organizations. On the other side, Mamba is also under the radar of many corporates.
The illegal activities of this gang are hindering the construction business of these corporate owners. This is the reason why they want to take down the organization. Weak Hero Chapter 203 will open with a confrontation between Ben Park and the man who has come to hunt him down from the shadows. It will be interesting to see what manifests now that they are facing one another.

Previous Chapter Recap!
The 202nd chapter of Weak Hero started with the meeting between Doyoon and Hyungnim. The latter asked Doyoon about the boundary that was under their capture. He then told the boss that the only building under the name of the president was the Noryangjin Arcade. Doyoon then left with a signal, knowing what he had to do next. But he saw that one of the men had something to tell him. The man confirmed that Gija had a fight with Wolf Keum, who was now underground.
He also confirmed his involvement with Yeongdeungpo. All these routes only led to the Mamba. Back at the academy, a silly conversation was going on about some pop culture references. The chapter came to an end with the leader of Mamba coming to meet with Grey at the academy.

Weak Hero Chapter 203: Release Date
In the next two days, more intel will unravel about the students that are trying to form a gang of fighters. So, what are your speculations about the upcoming plot? Weak Hero Chapter 203 will release this week without any break. The final release date is July 29, 2022. Fans will be able to catch all the chapters of the manhwa only on the official pages of Naver, Webtoon, and Kakaopage. And so, keep an eye on The Anime Daily to get all the updates right here.