World’s End Harem Anime Suddenly Gets Postponed to January

Anime adaptations of popular harem manga always hit big whenever they come out. This season’s World’s End Harem was on a similar path until it wasn’t.

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The manga was released in 2016 and has over 7 million copies in circulation and that does not even include the three spinoffs. So, when the anime was announced, expectations were high, similar to that of High School DxD.

Sadly, it will be a while before we get to see that.

World’s End Harem Anime Suddenly Gets Postponed To January
World’s End Harem | Source: Crunchyroll

World’s End Harem anime has been delayed until January 2022. Episode 1 of the series aired as scheduled on October 8, 2021, as a special advance broadcast.

The anime “#終末のハーレム ], Because it is necessary to scrutinize the expression, we have decided to postpone the broadcast from the second episode onward from next week and the distribution from today to January next year. We sincerely apologize to everyone who has been looking forward to the work.

English Translation, Twitter Translate

The reason for the delay was stated as “the need to examine the production of anime closely.” This is probably the latest delay we have ever seen an anime get due to production issues.

Considering the state of the anime industry, it was good of Studio Gokumi to pull out at the last second rather than deliver a substandard adaptation with overworked animators.

Another reason for the delay could be to reduce the explicit scenes in the anime. Many anime have been taken off streaming services because of an abundance of sexually explicit scenes. This story is very bold in its approach, even within the harem genre.

Even without World’s End Harem, there is plenty of anime for you to enjoy this season.

Fall 2021 Anime Season is Here: Take Your Pick

Studio Gokumi has delivered on plenty of occasions before, so the adaptation is going to be good even if it comes three months from now.

About World’s End Harem

World’s End Harem manga is authored by LINK and illustrated by Kotaro Shono. It was serialized in May 2016 on Shonen Jump+.

World’s End Harem is a manga about the near future of 2040. In this dystopian world, 99.99% of males have died by contracting a certain “Man-Killing Virus,” and only the 5 billion women remain alive. The government body is formed by the United Women, whose main purpose is to repopulate the Earth.

Source: World’s End Harem Official Website


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