Yamato Will Join The Strawhats In One Piece 1057 English Chapter?

With the break heading towards us at full speed, it was so characteristic of Oda sensei to give us a huge cliffhanger. We fans are always hoping to see the next Strawhat in the form of Yamato. The addition of these new characters has always been fun for us.

One Piece 1057 might just give us the next strawhat.

For the longest time, fans were under the impression that Carrot would become a Strawhat member. And there was a reason they claimed it. The mink repeatedly appeared in all of the Strawhat group shots.

It seemed that Oda sensei was slowly pushing her towards the crew, getting us fans accustomed to her fun and adventurous personality.

However, with Carrot becoming the new leader of the Minks, it is confirmed that she won’t be a Mugiwara.

Yamato Joins The Strawhats

Instead, we have Yamato. Honestly speaking, the majority of the fans prefer Yamato over Carrot. The eccentricity, the backstory, and the connection to Ace – Yamato is simply a much more exciting character.

Not to mention that there is so much to explore about her. Maybe we will even get the bounties of strawhats.

When will Yamato join the Strawhats?

Even now, we see that Yamato has not joined. In the latest chapter, she stands atop the castle. Meanwhile, Luffy has already decided to leave and the Thousand Sunny will be away from Wano very soon.

Luffy did not say goodbye to Momo and Kinemon. That is probably because he considers them his crewmates, just like Vivi. What we want to see is, does he consider Yamato as a crewmate? The fact that he has a nickname for her is a good sign though.

Yamato wanted to join Ace and that dream got crushed. And now, that chance is back once more in the form of Ace’s younger brother. Additionally, with Kaido removed from the picture, Yamato has nothing to hold her back.

It is finally time for Kaido’s son to spread his wings. In One Piece 1057, we expect a change. With her strong resolve to live like Oden, Yamato will probably run toward them at full speed and board the ship. And with that, the Strawhats will move on to the next island.

Does Yamato Joining Make Sense?

Every time a straw hat joined the crew, there was a reason behind it. Let us take a look. Zoro was the first mate – back then Luffy wanted someone he liked to join him. Then came Nami, whose navigation skills were invaluable.

Following that, there was Usopp who helped them in the Kurahadol conspiracy. And then Sanji came to fill the cook gap, while Chopper joined as the doctor. We saw Robin join and develop a huge attachment to them.

Franky filled the gap of the shipwright. Brook came as the long-awaited musician of the crew. And then, Jinbe, the one who saved Luffy, joined the crew, and everyone loved it. Finally, we have Yamato. The crew does not really need her to fill some vacant positions.

Yamato is needed in the crew due to her emotional attachment, and her ambition. She wanted to be free from Kaido and she got it. Luffy knows that she is great and dependable. And then there is her promise to Ace.

So yes, Yamato joining makes perfect sense. And it was Luffy himself, who said that he wants at least 10 members in his crew. Guess what, Yamato will be the 10th member of the crew and we love it. Hopefully, One Piece 1057 will be the official chapter where she becomes a Strawhat.

Our official chapter on the upcoming Chapter 1057 will be published soon and we will link the article somewhere above. So stay tuned with Orianime.