Yashahime Princess Half-Demon Season 2 Episode 11: Release Date “Battle On The New Moon Part 2”
Yashahime Princess Half-Demon Season 2 Episode 11 will deal with an incredible fight against the Full-Moon Racoon dog and Shogen. Moroha is on her way to find the two. She wants to bargain her arrows and bow from the demons. However, it is not going to be an easy bargain. Moroha’s parents have an old rivalry with these monsters. Thus, they will spare the little girl when she comes empty-handed. Here is everything to know about the latest episode of The Second Act.
The next episode already has a stage set for the Battle of the New Moon. This time, Moroha is going to reunite with the allies of her parents. Sango and Miroku fought alongside Kagome and Inuyasha in the fight against the Full Moon Raccoon Dog. If Moroha is able to get to the end of the line, she might acquire the best short bow and arrow. Thus, it will be interesting to see what the fight holds in store for the fans.

Yashahime Princess Half-Demon Season 2 Episode 11: Plot Details!
The title of the eleventh episode of Yashahime Princess Half-Demon Season 2 is titled “Battle on the New Moon Part 2.” The episode is likely to open at Nanahoshi’s mansion, where Zero is keeping Towa. It was revealed that Zero was feeding on her sadness and sorrow. Towa is most likely to recognize this pattern and block the process. Thus, she will stop thinking about the fate of her sister and try to keep her spirits lifted. As suggested by the title of the episode, the main focus of the episode is going to be the fight between the Shogen, Full Moon Raccoon-Dog, and Setsuna.
Her troop is going to move forward with their plan of locating Sango and Miroku. Even if they manage to form an alliance with any one of the two, they would be able to give Shogen a tough fight. Yashahime Princess Half-Demon Season 2 Episode 11 will also touch upon Rin’s storyline, where she is still stuck inside the Tree of Ages.

Previous Episode Recap!
In the tenth episode of Yashahime Princess Half-Demon Season 2, Moroha journeyed along with Lord Takechiyo and Hachiemon to get arrows for Moroha. On the other hand, Setuna’s wish of becoming a mortal was finally fulfilled. On the other hand, Lord Takechiyo told Moroha about the historical feud between Inuyasha and the Full Moon Raccoon-Dog. Now, being the heir of the legends, Moroha will have to come up with a way to settle their differences.
They planned that they would first look for Miroku and Sango and inquire them about the powers of Shogen. If they get enough information about his demonic magic, defeating him would not take long. On the other end, Towa was kidnapped by Zero and kept at Nanahoshi’s mansion. Later, it was revealed that Zero was getting his energy from Towa’s fears and insecurities.

Yashahime Princess Half-Demon Season 2 Episode 11: Release Date
The adventures of the girls will continue in the next outing of Yashahime. Towa is yet to escape Zero’s trap. On the other side, Moroha is struggling to find the right allies. So, Yashahime Princess Half-Demon Season 2 Episode 11 is set to release this weekend on December 11, 2021. Fans will be able to watch the episode on Crunchyroll in an English Dub. Thus, stay tuned with The Anime Daily to get more updates on the same.