Category: Anime

Five Strongest Female Soul Reapers

Five Strongest Female Soul Reapers

Here is everything you need to know about the strongest female soul reapers. Yoruichi Shihouin A century before Bleach’s current timeline, Yoruichi was the Captain of Squad 2, and her speed surpasses Soi Fon’s. She is arguably one of the strongest female characters in anime, which is

Most Satisfying Anime Endings

Most Satisfying Anime Endings

Here is everything you need to know about the most satisfying anime endings. Hunter X Hunter Considered by many to be one of the greatest shonen anime in existence, Hunter x Hunter is the work of Togashi. The story follows Gon, a young boy who sets out to become

Most Heartfelt Romance Anime Confessions

Most Heartfelt Romance Anime Confessions

Here is everything you need to know about the most heartfelt romance anime confessions. Marin To Gojo (My dress-up Darling) Marin Kitagawa meets the introverted Gojo when she finds out about his amazing sewing skills. Having none herself, Marin figured that it would be helpful

Five Powerful Vampires In Anime

Five Powerful Vampires In Anime

Here is everything you need to know about the five powerful vampires in anime. Shinobu Oshino (Bakemonogatari) Speaking of likable vampires in anime, it would be impossible to not mention Shinobu Oshino. All her forms throughout this massive series are quite engaging in their own

Slice-Of-Life Anime: Best Waifus

Slice-Of-Life Anime: Best Waifus

Here is everything you need to know about the slice-of-life anime: best Waifus. Shoko Komi (Komi Can’t Communicate) Although Shoko Komi stands out for her adorableness, her incomparable shyness is what endears her most to her friends and fans of Komi Can’t Communicate. Her coy expressions