Category: Anime

Anime Characters Just Like Makima

Anime Characters Just Like Makima

Here is everything you need to know about anime characters just like Makima. Esdeath While Akame Ga Kill!’s Esdeath has genuine romantic feelings for the protagonist. Unlike Makima, who uses Denji’s feelings toward her to manipulate him, the two are similar in other ways. For one,

Best Sad Anime On Hulu

Best Sad Anime On Hulu

Here is everything you need to know about the best sad anime on Hulu. Guilty Crown Guilty Crown isn’t exactly popular among mecha fans, but for those who love a sad story, it’s a must-watch series. The series takes place in a dystopian world ravaged by

Five Best Fantasy Anime On Hulu

Five Best Fantasy Anime On Hulu

Here is everything you need to know about the five best fantasy anime on Hulu. Hellsing Ultimate The Hellsing organization is the only thing standing between humanity and its destruction at the hands of occult monsters. Leading the charge for the organization is Alucard, the

Five Anime Remakes Better Than The Original

Five Anime Remakes Better Than The Original

Here is everything you need to know about the five anime remakes better than the original. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure The newest JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure iteration is so well-liked that it far surpasses any concept of the previous 2012 “Phantom Blood” OVA. JoJo is a long story that spans generations, and the