‘Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night’ is an original anime work set to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doga Kobo. The show focuses on a girl trying to find her identity in Shibuya, a character-filled district. Everyone relates to this sentiment of finding something that
Category: Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night
‘Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night’, an original anime production by Doga Kobo, will serve as a commemorative piece marking the studio’s 50th anniversary. In March, the project was unveiled along with some details and an image of one of the characters. In addition to
The Doga Kobo studio is working on the Oshi no Ko adaptation that will premiere in April, while anime fans are eagerly awaiting the adaptation and are already excited and to add more to the excitement the Doga Kobo studio announced that they are working