The official website for “Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle” franchise released a new PV before the TV anime begins on October 5. The video gives us a glimpse of the anime’s opening theme song, “Kaimin! Anmin! Syalist Seikatsu” by Inori Minase as her character.
Category: Orianime
Games inspiring anime series is a widespread phenomenon. Most games which have a very detailed plot and background setting can be easily adapted into anime. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view. Start Quick Read Games like
Webtoons or manhwa are Korean comics that are serialized on online websites. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view. Start Quick Read Unlike manga, webtoons are mostly colourful and are digital comic books instead of physical ones.
The biggest name in the detective genre is that of Sherlock Holmes. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s life-like creation of the genius character has bowled over readers from all around the world. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick
With Eren being back, the hype has escalated immensely. As Eren continues his rumbling, fans are eagerly waiting for Attack on Titan Chapter 132. We have a lot to discuss here so stick with us. Chapter 131 is not only one of the best chapters
Howdy Guys, In this post we are going to be talking about Ahiru No Sora Episode 47. Besides this, In this post, we have included every detail from the release date to where to watch it- This post may contain spoilers of the previous episode.
Today we will be discussing where you can read One Piece Chapter 989 which by the way, has been delayed and its spoilers. Fans are really excited now that powerful clashes are erupting all over the place. No time for an all-out fight – the
The latest chapter has made the fans extremely interested in the ongoing battle. So today we will be discussing the upcoming Kingdom chapter 652 spoilers and the English raw scans release here. The results of the Kingdom manga popularity poll is out. Apparently, the Japanese
Hello peeps! Today in this article we will talk about the release date, spoilers, and preview od the all-new episode 10 of The God Of High School. Warning: This may contain some spoilers of the previous episode. In case you don’t want spoilers, I’d suggest
Yes, we are talking about your favorite Black Clover anime. No, you didn’t read the title wrong. The popular Black Clover anime series has recently been the source of a lot of spicy rumors. The major one among those is that the Black Clover anime
What will you do if a devil takes you hostage? Run, cry, or give up? Luckily for Iruma, he is taken hostage but quickly finds out that his kidnapper is a loving grandpa who has just adopted him. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button
Netflix, the streaming platform giant, has already produced multiple original online series. Its latest target is anime. Anime has snatched up millions of Western audiences, and streaming sites are slowly recognizing its potential. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article