God of Highschool 492: Release Date, Delay and Discussions
The number of people following Mira has increased and they are running short on ration as even the drone has stopped coming with ration.
Things were not good for them already and they got attacked by the creatures created by Mubong Park.
Though Mira easily got the better of them, we learned that her right arm is fake, in her fight with Mubong Park’s men.
Daewi is slowly getting flashbacks of his fight with Park and soon may get his full memories back.
While fans anticipate that moment and the reunion of the trio, we bring the updates on the next chapter of God of Highschool.
1. God of Highschool 492 Discussions and Predictions
With Daewi remembering his fight, he’s slowly regaining his memories and if he met with Mira, chances are that will get his memories back.

Mira’s group is also running low on ration and as they also travel through the island in search of food, Daewi and Mira may cross paths. It seems that Daewi is also getting a hold of his powers which he got with Mira’s right arm.
2. God of Highschool 492 Release Date
492 of the God of Highschool manhwa webtoon’s season has been available to stream for free since Thursday, Dec 17, 2020.
Will there be a God of Highschool Season 2
I. Is God of Highschool on Break This Week?
God of High School webtoon is not on a break this week. Episode 492 will be available as per its weekly schedule on the Webtoon App.
3. Where to Read God of Highschool
4. God of Highschool 492 Raw Scans
Raw scans for chapter 492 of God of Highschool have not been released yet. They usually come up on the internet 2-3 days prior to the official release.
We keep updating on the raw scans and other leaks related to God of Highschool, so make sure to come back later for the latest updates.
5. God of Highschool 491 Recap
The drone that used to bring rations has stopped coming for a while now, and the children are worried that the world government is ruined. Mira reassures them that that’s not the case and the drone will surely come.
As they all were traveling through a cave, they get attacked by Mubong Park men and his creatures. Mira easily defeats the creatures, but their army leader cut off her right arm in which she was holding her sword.

It is revealed that her right arm was fake, but that does not slow down Mira. She uses the swordless Moonlight Attack and vanquishes all the creatures and Mubong’s army.
Meanwhile, Daewi is practicing and trying to understand his power and himself. Suddenly, he gets a flashback of his fight with Mubong Park. He still does not remember their faces, but he remembered his arm getting cut off and then Mira giving her arm to him.
6. About The God of High School
The God of High School is a South Korean manhwa released as a webtoon written and illustrated by Yongje Park. It has been serialized in Naver Webtoon since April 2011, with the individual chapters published by Imageframe into one volume as of April 2020.
The main protagonist is Mori Jin, a 17-year-old martial artist from Seoul, South Korea. At the beginning of the story, he is invited to join a Martial Arts tournament called “The God of High School” (or GOH).
The event, sponsored by a shady corporation, brings together people from high schools all over South Korea on a regional and then on a national level to select three representatives for the World Tournament.
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