God of Highschool 494: Release Date, Delay and Discussions
Mira had finally reached World Government where Mubong Park stayed, and she was confronted by the god of forest, The Deer God.
Deer God and Mira engage in a duel as he goes on a rampage, killing the village people by blowing them from inside. Furious, Mira reveals her true form as the 26th Head of the National Homeless Association as she confronts the Deer God.
Daewi has also reached the World Government, a couple of days later than Mira. As their reunion is finally nearing, fans are excited and hope for even Mori to join them soon. Till then, we bring the updates on the next chapter of God of Highschool.
1. GoH 494 Raw Scans and Spoilers
The fight between Mira and Deer God continues, and noticing that his attacks were having no effect on Mira, Deer God decides to violate a taboo and recover the master’s weapon, Deer Root.

To stand against Deer God’s immense power, Mira uses a new Wifi Maneuver technique, coupled with Mubong Park’s right arm, Ver. Baek. The cells of Jade Emperor inside Mira’s body immediately accept a foreign object’s arm, gaining Mira a cyborg right arm.
Wifi Maneuver, which Mira uses, seems to absorb the energy from the village people and give power to her sword. Deer Good and Mira come face to face again, with newly awoken powers.
Strongest Characters in The God of Highschool, Ranked!
2. God of Highschool 494 Release Date
494 of the God of Highschool manhwa webtoon’s season has been available to stream for free since Thursday, Dec 31, 2020.
I. Is GoH on Break This Week?
God of High School webtoon is not on a break this week. Episode 494 will be available as per its
weekly schedule on the Webtoon App.
3. Where to Read God of Highschool
4. GoH 493 Recap
As Mira digs out ground in search of water, she feels that it is easier to cut a mountain with a sword than doing this as it’s not about using explosive strength from toes to head, rather having precise control over an overwhelming force.
After traveling for days, Mira finally reaches the World Government, but Deer God welcomes her by destroying the whole place. However, Mira remains unscathed, and Deer God is surprised as Mira had already hidden the village people underground.

The Deer Good, however, gets the scent of humans coming from below and uses roots to reach them. Whoever the root touched, they blew from inside out and turned into a lotus. Furious by seeing this, Mira attacks Deer God but he blocks her attack.
Mira finally reveals her true identity to face the Deer God, as the one of The Six, and the Witch of the West. She even receives the weapons she lost a long time ago, Seohallyang Collections.
5. About God of Highschool
The God of High School or GOH is a South Korean web toon written by Yongje Park. God of HighSchool was first posted on Naver Webtoon on 8 April 2011; it was one of the first web toons to receive an English translation at the launch of Line Webtoon app and website in July 2014.
While an island half-disappearing from the face of the earth, a mysterious organisation is sending out invitations for a tournament to every skilled fighter in the world.
“If you win you can have ANYTHING you want”. They’re recruiting only the best to fight the best and claim the title of The God of high school!
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