Yuuji is finally alive and kicking and everyone is happy with his revival, but what’s behind the secret pact that Sukuna made with him? Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 7 release date and details have finally been announced and we will be discussing them today.
Jujutsu Kaisen manga and anime are both doing good and we expect great episodes in the future. When a few episodes back, it was foreshadowed that one of the first-year students would die, we were right to think that it would be Yuuji and that is exactly what happened.
Gojo was very furious by the fact that the higher-ups sent Yuuji on a dangerous missing which led to his death. Gojo feels like Yuuji is one of those who can be his equal in the upcoming time and help him create the best Jujutsu society.
Even though Yuuji is now back, Gojo has decided to hide the fact that he has come back from the death and train him in secret and introduces him at the upcoming Jujutsu tech exchange event.

Megumi and Kugisaski are also training with second years to get stronger so that they don’t lose anyone close to them again in the future. Cursed spirits are also planning to take down Gojo and have also prepared an cursed item called prison realm for the job.
Yuuji now has to train so that he can better control cursed energy in the future. We also got to know the difference between cursed energy and cursed technique. Itadori only has cursed energy at his disposal right now and he is not even that good with it.
Once Sukuna’s cursed techniques get engraved into his body, he will be able to use cursed techniques of higher level as well. So finally his training has started and onlu the upcoming Jujutsu Kaisen Ep 6 English sub preview and spoilers will tell us what happens next.
At the end of Episode 5 we saw the cursed spirit named “Jogo” and his band attack Gojo. The upcoming episode is going to be all about this fight and the real power of Satoru Gojo.
There’s news of God of High School Season 2 and Tower Of Good Season 2 getting announced soon, so make sure to check the articles on our website.
Episode releasing in a few hours, stay tuned!
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 7 Release Date
The seventh of episode of Jujutsu Kaisen is titled “Assault” and the full episode will be dedicated to Gojo Satoru fighting against the cursed spirits.
The episode will be released this Friday on 13th November 2020 and will be available to stream on Crunchyroll. Noblesse Episode 6 will also be releasing soon on Crunchyroll so make sure to check it out.
Only watch Jujutsu Kaisen anime episodes from official streaming websites so that you can support the creators and motivate them to give us even better content in the future.

Jujutsu Kaisen manga is also about to cross 130 chapter milestone, so if you have still not started reading manga then we advise you to start as soon as possible.
Talking about manga, One Piece 995 will be releasing the same week as Jujutsu Kaisen Ep 7, so make sure to check it out.
Jujutsu Kaisen Ep 7 Eng Sub Preview And Spoilers
We have only seen the first years fighting till now, Gojo is one of the lead characters and also one of the if not the most strongest character in Jujutsu Kaisen.
For the first time in anime, Gojo will be removing the cloth around his eyes and demonstrating his real powers. Gojo’s eyes are very unique and their powers are unique as well and we don’t want to spoil about his powers here so that you can watch it yourself in the upcoming Episode 7.
We believe that Yuuji will also have made considerable progress with his cursed energy training by the next episode and once Gojo’s fight ends, the next phase of training will begin.
The exchange event is very close and Yuuji will have to power up substantially if he wants to help his comrades win the event. So in short, Jujutsu Kaisen anime has just started and all the cool things are still to come, so stay tuned.
Now that the release date of Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 7 has been shared above, all that’s left is the Episode 7 English sub preview.
So here you go.
Let us know what you think will happen in the upcoming episode in the comments down below and meanwhile check our articles on Boruto Chapter 52 and Dragon Ball Super Chapter 66.