New Trailer for ‘Spy x Family’ Cour 2 Previews Opening Theme
The Forgers are ready to get a new dog, and their fans are ready to witness the Spy x Family anime adaptation of the Doggy Crisis arc.
Watching eventful and significant arcs is fun indeed, but animating them? Not so much. Such storylines tend to put a lot of pressure on the staff as they need to be on par with the manga.
While animation is undoubtedly the key factor in making an arc worthwhile, other factors also pitch in to create an unforgettable experience. That’s why the Spy x Family staff has paid extra attention to the second cour’s opening theme song, ‘SOUVENIR’ by BUMP OF CHICKEN.
The anime’s latest trailer previews the song along with loads of action and thrill.
It starts by showing this arc’s antagonist Keith Kepler, leader of a terrorist group that intends to assassinate Minister Brantz and start a war. As expected, the news soon reaches WISE, and Loid is assigned the case.
Now the issue remains, how will Loid foil Keith’s plans while being a full-time father and husband? With the help of his family, without them knowing about it, of course.
The irony is that even Loid doesn’t realize that his fake family helped him through the mission, as Anya was the one making it all happen. She did have some help from Bond, the dog with precognitive abilities that later became a part of the Forger family.
Besides stopping the terrorist activities, it is shown that Anya somehow gets caught in one of them. I’m really looking forward to seeing how Loid reacts when he finds out that his family almost became victims of the feud between Westalis and Ostania.
The Forgers Set to Return This October With Spy x Family Cour 2
We might get to see some character development in Loid. He has already begun caring a lot for Anya and Yor, so something like this will definitely hit him hard.

Moreover, this arc will be a turning point for the Forgers, considering the type of situation they’ll be getting themselves into. This is not just another random small-scale case but an actual terrorist attack, so it’s evident how significant it will be.
About Spy × Family
Spy × Family is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump.
The story follows a spy who has to “build a family” to execute a mission, not realizing that the girl he adopts as a daughter and the woman he agrees to be in a fake marriage with are a mind reader and an assassin respectively.
Source: Spy x Family Anime’s Official Twitter Account
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