Boku no My Hero Academia 261 spoilers have finally been released and finally, we get to see what happens to the Doctor. We have released all the spoilers below for you to read.
The doctor tries to warp out of the hospital using the nomu but we have no idea on what will happen, will Miriko and Endeavor be able to stop him or will Ujiko escape with Shigaraki.
Recently our beloved series have been
surrounded by controversies but thankfully it hasn’t affected the releases.

Now before getting into the spoilers let’s
take a quick recap at the last chapter to refresh our memories.
My Hero Academia 260 Recap
Endeavor leads the ambush on the hospital, which has been functioning as the base of operation and nomu creation for the doctor.
As the chapter starts the clone of the doctor
is captured by the heroes and when Aizawa uses his quirk on the captured doctor
his body gets old instantly.
The doctor is found to be a twice clone. The
heroes most likely expected such a result, so Miruko is going straight towards
the lab in which the doctor’s lab is supposed to be at.
As the doctor tries to escape the place using
the help of his teleportation nomu John, a whole section of the room is torned
apart by a kick from Miruko. The doctor is visibly scared and that’s it.
So now that we’ve gone through a quick reminder let’s get into the spoiler for chapter 261.
My Hero Academia 261 spoilers
The first few panels are just Miruko kicking the wall leaving those here are the events that take place in My hero Academia chapter 261.
- When the doctor sees how his life is in danger. He is reminded of a memory in which all for one compliments him on his usefulness.
- The doctor is surprisingly sad over the death of the nomu John.he even says goodbye to John.
- Miruko contacts Endeavor to tell him the no of Nomus and the situation.
- Endeavor and party are dealing with the low-end nomus
- All the civilians and patients are evacuated by the pussy cats.
- As Miruko tries to attack the doctor she’s attacked by a high end nomu.
- The high-end nomus are trying to protect the doctor out of their own will. The doctor is just as surprised as the heroes.
- The nomus are truly high end as they start talking among themselves about massacring the whole place.
- A certain nomu even addresses the rampage hero. These nomus seemed to have at least a little bit of awareness about their past selves.
- Miruko is injured and the doctor takes this opportunity to escape
These are the events that take place throughout the My Hero Academia chapter 261. The chapters are getting much more interesting as we are reaching towards the climax of an exciting arc. The chapter leaves enough space for speculation.
The doctor’s escape is at an uncertain stage but there’s no doubt that he has another escape plan. Boku no Hero Academia 261 was a fun one and now we can’t wait to read the upcoming chapter to see what happens.
Miruko’s passion for fights will most likely get her even more injured but the most important question in the chapter is will she be able to take care of multiple high-end nomus until help arrives, well that remains to be seen.
Check out our article on One Piece 971 and we will be coming with more manga news and spoilers related articles like this in the future for you to read.