The general consensus so far has been that the post-Wano chapters are incredible and on that note, the latest One Piece 1061 spoilers have confirmed that Oda sensei has yet again delivered a killer chapter.
We are so excited to bring you the One Piece latest spoilers, which have only been out for a couple of hours.
This is officially the funniest name of an Arc. Yes, the current arc is named Egghead since all the arcs are named after the islands on which the crew lands – Alabasta, Zou, Dressrosa, Wano, and so on. The current Island is named Egghead, which is hilarious.
One of the biggest mysteries of the series has been the identity of the legendary scientist Vegapunk. He has changed the world for the better in many ways. His inventions and his creations are literally unparalleled.
Even someone as brilliant as Caesar or Judge has not been able to match up with his brilliance.

We must also inform you that next week is a break but this is natural because we have received continuous chapters for the last 3 weeks. As usual, sensei is taking his scheduled break. Anyways let us get the spoilers of the One Piece chapter 1061.
All of the spoilers shared down below have been confirmed and will be updated throughout this week to bring the latest news from the One Piece verse.
One Piece 1061 Spoilers
The title of the next chapter is “Egghead, Island of the future” and thus the new arc will be called the Egghead arc.
The cover page has not been leaked yet, thus this is an incomplete One Piece manga 1061 spoiler article. We will keep updating this article on daily basis.
We see that the Strawhats, along with Bonney, are sailing to Egghead, the island of the Future! This island belongs to Vegapunk!
Near this island, there is a Marine base, obviously. Tashigi and the kids from Punk Hazard are staying here. Additionally, some members of SWORD are located here as well.
We see that Helmeppo is here as well. He wants to borrow a Seraphim from Vegapunk so that he can go and rescue Koby from the Blackbeard Pirates.
The Strawhats get separated, yet again. This time it is Luffy, Bonney, Chopper, and Jinbe.
As the One Piece chapter 1061 spoilers end, a girl approaches and claims that she is Vegapunk!
One Piece Chapter 1061 Initial Thoughts:
What we have here is simply the outline of the chapter. It is the basic skeleton and more details will be here in no time. That said, the current spoilers of One Piece 1061 prompt a lot of thoughts in us.
We know that during the time skip, Franky was sent to Karakuri Island, the birthplace of Vegapunk. That too was a winter island. Seems like Vegapunk really likes the cold weather.
We then meet Vegapunk! But, take care of the wording. A girl comes and claims to be this person. Is she telling the truth? What if Vegapunk is a surname? This girl might be the daughter or even the granddaughter of the scientist.
Most of us pictured Vegapunk as Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty) or Heimerdinger (league of legends) or similar men. But the man is apparently a young girl! Did Bonney come and de-age Vegapunk? Or maybe Vegapunk is a cyborg now. Anyways we look at it, her appearance in this chapter is incredibly exciting and fans are going wild cooking up theories.
We see that Tashigi is present, which probably means Smoker is also nearby. There is a huge possibility that he will have a sudden, awkward meet-up with either of the Strawhat groups and things will get tense.
That said, we will be so happy if we see that the kids from Punk Hazard can be cured by Vegapunk. And they will definitely be happy to see the Strawhats. On the flip side, if Vegapunk is using them to make Seraphims, that would put him in an entirely different light.
This will probably be the arc where the Strawhats have their first encounter with the Seraphims. Luffy will probably find out that Koby has been taken hostage and so on.
We also recommend reading our articles on My Hero Academia Chapter 367 and Black Clover 339 since they will also be out to read soon.