Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Strategy: The Best Order to Finish the Game
While previous Pokemon games forced players down a specific path, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet try to break the mold. All of Scarlet and Violet’s branching paths are chosen by the player.
It also means that you can jump into any of the game’s three storylines at any time and challenge any gym you like. Even better, you can initiate play across all strands simultaneously!
However, for the best gaming experience, you should stick to the recommended progression order provided by the game’s developers. Otherwise, you risk being overwhelmed if you try to tackle a particularly challenging battle too soon in the game, or the other way around.
If you want a stress-free, well-rounded gaming experience, finish the game’s quests in this order.
Pokemon Gym Badge, Titan Pokemon, and Team Star Progression
Each storyline has both beginner-friendly fights that can be easily won and more challenging fights that the player will have to face later in the game, so I recommend beginning them all at once.
There is a specific order in which the player must face off against each of the game’s gym leaders, Titan Pokemon, and Team Star opponents, as these bosses do not adjust their difficulty based on the player’s level.
Here is the recommended sequence for beating all of the game’s antagonists, from the weakest to the strongest.
1. Cortondo Gym (Victory Road storyline)

Class – Bug
Captain – Katy
Competitors- Nymble (Lv. 14), Tarountula (Lv. 14), and Teddiursa
2. Heavyweight Champion of the Cliffs (Path of Legends storyline)

Class – Rock
Competitors – Klawf (Lv. 16)
3. Artazon Gym (Victory Road storyline)

Class – Grass
Captain – Brassius
Competitors – Petilil (Lv. 16), Smoliv (Lv. 16), Sudowoodo (Lv. 17)
4. Open Sky Titan (Path of Legends storyline)

Class – Flying/Dark
Competitors – Bombirdier
5. Staff Star Dark Crew(Starfell Street storyline)

Class –Dark is the predominant type, with other types present
Leader – Giacomo
Competiors –Sableye, Stunky, Zorua, Sandile, Sneasel, and Grunt A’s Murkrow (Lv. 19) during Star Barrage. Giacomo’s Revavroom – Schedar Starmobile (Lv. 20) and Pawniard (Lv. 21).
6. Levincia Gym (Victory Road storyline)

Class – Electric
Captain – Iono
Competitors –The lv. 23s Wattrel, Bellibolt, Luxio, and Mismagius (Lv. 24)
7. Team Star Fire Crew (Starfell Street storyline)

Class –The primary type is fire, and it is often used in conjunction with other types.
Captain – Mela
Competiors –Star Barrage encounter between Grunt A’s Houndour, Mela’s Torkoal (Lv. 27), Revavroom – Schedar Starmobile (Lv. 26), Numel, Growlithe, Torkoal, and Houndour.
8. Titanic Steel Lair (Path of Legends storyline)

Class – Steel
Competitor – Orthworm (Lv. 28)
9. Cascarrafa Gym (Victory Road storyline)

Class: – Water
Captain: – Kofu
Competitors: –Veluza (Lv. 29), Wugtrio (Lv. 29), and Crabonimable (Lv. 30)
10. Assembled Star Poison Crew (Starfell Street storyline)

Class – Atticus, Team Star Poison Crew’s boss
Captain – Atticus
Competiors –Youssef’s level 30 Gulpin and Shroodle are both Pokemon (Lv. 31). Skuntank (Lv. 32), Muk (Lv. 32), Revavroom (Lv. 33), and Revavroom – Navi Starmobile (Lv. 33) owned by Atticus (Level 32). Toxic Pokemon like Swalot, Seviper, and Venomoth used during the Star Barrage event.
11. Medali Gym (Victory Road storyline)

Class – Normal
Captain – Larry
Competitors –Staraptor (Level 36), Komala (Level 35), and Dundunsparce (Level 35)
12. Montenevera Gym (Victory Road storyline)

Class – Ghost
Captain – Ryme
Competitors –The Pokémon at Level 41: Banette, Mimikyu, Houndstone, and Toxtricity (Level 42)
13. Quaking Earth Titan (Path of Legends storyline)

Class – Ground
Competitors –Pokemon with level 44 Great Tusk (Scarlet) or Iron Treads (Violet)
14. Alfornada Gym (Victory Road storyline)

Class – Psychic
Captain – Tulip
Competiors –Level 44 Farigiraf, Gardevoir, Espath, and Florges (Level 45)
15. Glaseado Gym (Victory Road storyline)

Class – Ice
Captain – Grusha
Competitors –Level 47 Frosmoth, Level 47 Beartic, Level 47 Cetitan, and Level 48 Altaria
16. Team Star Fairy Crew (Starfell Street storyline)

Class –The primary type is a fairy hybrid.
Captain – Ortega
Competitors: Lv. 48 Harrington’s Morgrem and lv. 49 Hattrem. Revavroom – Ruchbah Starmobile, Wigglytuff (Lv. 50), Dachsbun (Lv. 51), and Ortega’s Azumarill (Lv. 50). Pokemon of the Fairy type appear in Star Barrage. These include Florges and Tinkatink.
17. Titan Dragon Imitation (Path of Legends storyline)

Class – Dragon
Competitors –Tatsugiri, the True Dragon Titan, and Dondozo, the False Dragon Titan (Level 55).
18. Superb Combatants Team (Starfell Street storyline)

Class –The majority of the Pokemon in this region are fighters, but other types can be found here as well.
Captain – Eri
Competitors: Carmen’s Croagunk (Lv. 54) and a Primeape (Lv (Level 55). Level 55 Toxicroak, Passimian, Lucario, Annihilape, and Revavroom owned by Eri; Level 56 Revavroom owned by Caph Starmobile (Level 56). Pokemon with fighting types like Hariyama and Primeape will be playable in Star Barrage.
Each story’s final showdown awaits after you’ve vanquished the game’s equivalent of a Gym Leader, a Titan Pokemon, and a Team Star crew. However, since all of your foes in these fights are level 60, you can complete them in any order you like.
What should you do once you’ve completed Scarlet and Violet’s main story?
After you’ve read the main story, you might think Scarlet and Violet are done. But unfortunately, that is not the case. After the main story is completed, there is still a wealth of content to explore.
Listed below are optional sidequests that can be completed after the main story has concluded.
1. Catch Paradox Pokemon

Upon completing the main quests, you will gain access to Area Zero, where you can catch all of the Paradox Pokemon. While we’re getting close to the endgame, most of these Pokemon are still only level 50 or so. You can fill out your Pokedex by capturing them.
2. Acquire the legendary Pokemon Stake and Shrine has to offer.

All over Paldea, you’ll find Shrines that are home to a wide variety of Pokemon that are locked inside. The four of them have Chinese names: Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, Chi-Yu, and Ting-Lu. As they are roughly level 60, you should be able to easily dispatch of them.
3. Participate in the Academy Ace Tournament

After completing the events of Victory Road, you will be invited to the Academy Ace Tournament, which requires you to inspect the gyms you have previously battled. Now, all of the gym leaders have at least five Pokemon, and all of them are level 65 or higher.
After you’ve defeated them, you’ll be ready to face off against your academy’s fellow professors and students.
4. Battle potent Terastallized Pokemon in Tera Raids rated 5 and 6 stars.

Even new players can participate in Tera Raids, but only the most experienced players can take on the more difficult Tera Raids that unlock after completing the main story.
Charizad Tera Raid, which requires a team of seven of your strongest Pokemon, can be attempted if you’re feeling particularly bold.
5. Complete your Pokedex

Concluding the Pokedex is a fan-favorite feature of the Pokemon video game franchise. Travel all over Paldea and try to capture them all! Indeed, nothing compares to the overwhelming sense of accomplishment you’ll feel when you finally complete your Pokedex.
The original Pokémon game came out in 1996, and its premise is that humans can capture monsters and keep them in miniature poke-balls.
These fantastic beings share an affinity with a particular element and possess extraordinary skillsets associated with it.
Ash Ketchum, a young boy, is the protagonist of Pokémon, and the series follows him as he strives to become the best Pokémon trainer in the world.