Record Of Ragnarok Chapter 50 Release Date, Manga Spoilers Out!

Something terrible just happened! The fight was over, Buddha had won. But this sudden anomaly has twisted everything. Why is this happening to Zerofuku? Record of Ragnarok Chapter 50 will reveal to the fans what this new development is all about.

So what were your thoughts about the Record of Ragnarok anime? Personally speaking, it was really subpar. What we got was not even close to what we expected.

We don’t need Demon Slayer level animation, but at least something along the lines of My Hero Academia would have sufficed.

This is not good for the manga. The slideshow format anime was not received well by fans. In fact, it has a measly score of 6.64 out of 10 on MyAnimeList.

Hopefully, if a Record Of Ragnarok Season 2 does come, it will be adapted properly to properly flesh out the fights.

We don’t know why but Chapter 48 and 49 were released together! Does this mean that there will be none in July? We have no way of knowing right now. We will keep you updated of course.

Record Of Ragnarok Chapter 50

In the last chapter, we saw the greatness of Buddha. Zerofuku had given in to misery and Buddha brought him back. In the end, Buddha defeated Zerofuku and redeemed the poor fellow.

With a new purpose and outlook on life, Zerofuku finally manages to find happiness.

Record of Ragnarok 50 will probably bring us to the endgame. Round 6 is quite close to ending because this final abominable form of Zerofuku seems like the last-ditch effort.

Obviously, someone has manipulated the naïve fellow and we will find out more.

Record of Ragnarok Chapter 50 Release Date:

Being a monthly series publishing in Monthly Comic Zenon, we expect Record of Ragnarok 50 to come out on the last week of July 2021. That is the usual time of the release of the raw scans.

Following the raw scans release, we will need translations to read. Most of the fans can’t read the Japanese language. Unfortunately, though, we get no official English release. Hence, fans have to resort to unofficial fan scans.

Record of Ragnarok Manga 50 English fan translations will be out around 26th July 2021 as well. Typically, it takes 2 or 3 days to translate.

Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 153 and Tokyo Revengers Episode 16 will also be released around the same time so don’t miss it when out.

ROR Manga 50 Discussion:

Is this the greatness of Buddha? Initially, he was portrayed to be a self-centered freak who just ran around and did what he pleased. But seems like there is more to him.

He is a free man and does what he wants. Turns out, what he wants is generally the right thing! We are sure that in the Record of Ragnarok Chapter 50, Buddha will face a true challenge, something that will push him to his limits.

Why is Zerofuku happy?

Throughout his whole life, Zerofuku has had nothing but sadness. He was kind and he tried to help others. But that brought him only suffering and the poor god became corrupted.

Worst of all, he didn’t even get a proper appreciation for his job.

Then he saw Buddha. People rallied behind him ready and they were happy! This made Zero angry. He wanted to be like Buddha, he wanted love, recognition, and appreciation.

Being naïve, he simply found anger and jealousy in his heart.

But after the fight, Buddha taught him to love himself, something which is missing from many heroes. Buddha loved and appreciated him and this opened the eyes of Zerofuku.

He finally gained happiness and we can only hope that he is well in Record of Ragnarok 50. However, right now, his state is very fragile and he might not survive.

What happened to Zerofuku?

It seems like Zerofuku had another transformation. We will know more about this in Record of Ragnarok 50 but right now, we know that he did not want this form to come out.

He asked Buddha for help and Buddha will help everyone.

Some sort of parasitic creatures were hidden in Zero’s horns and when they act up, twin dragons shoot out from his body and consume him to form a cocoon sort of existence.

What erupted from there is something that scares even Buddha. Hajun, the Demon Lord of Sixth Heaven has appeared.

This will be a tough fight. In fact, the real battle has just begun. Buddha has to face an opponent who mysteriously avoided his future sight. Can the revered one do it? We will have to read ROR Chapter 50 to find out!

Additionally, this has some links with Beelzebub. He is a fighter for the gods and he said that the horns of the netherworld have resulted in Hajun’s arrival.

What exactly is his relationship in this matter? Was he the one who manipulated Zerofuku? There are so many questions forming right now!

Record of Ragnarok 50 Spoilers:

We are all eager to read the spoilers. Buddha is in trouble and over the last couple of chapters, we have really come to like him as a character.

As soon as the spoilers for Record of Ragnarok Chapter 50 come out, we will post them in this section. Until then, stay tuned and keep visiting Orianime.