Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduced a new group of Pokemon called Paradox Pokemon, also known as the Enigmas of Paldea. In Pokemon Scarlet, Paradox Pokemon resemble ancient relatives of modern-day ‘mons, while in Pokemon Violet, they look like futuristic versions of them. Sandy Shocks in
Tag: Pokémon
You will encounter ominous black stakes located all over Paldea during your journey. These are items sticking out of the ground and can be used as a way to unlock the shrines. These shrines seal away the four Ruinous Pokémon. The shrines can be unlocked
Stakes in Scarlet and Violet come in four different colors even if they are called Ominous Black Stakes in the game. After you collect 8 Stakes of a particular color, you can open a Shrine and get your hands on the mysterious, strong Pokemon locked
Pokémon games have made it a norm to give early purchase bonuses to the players. These are available to the people who purchase the game within a few months of its release. These bonuses are typically not available later on in the game. Scarlet and
While previous Pokemon games forced players down a specific path, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet try to break the mold. All of Scarlet and Violet’s branching paths are chosen by the player. It also means that you can jump into any of the game’s three storylines
Before very recently, Iron Hands was everyone’s first pick for Tera Raids. The 7-level Charizard Tera Raid revelation, however, has set Azumarill ablaze with wrath. As a Fairy Type Pokémon, Azumarill is less vulnerable to Fire-type moves than Iron Hands. It shares the ‘Belly Drum’
Scarlet and Violet’s Pokémon games differ greatly from previous entries in the series thanks to extensive changes made by the developers. Covert Cloak is one of many items that are made to be easily obtained in this game and are immediately useful in combat. Many
Sometimes, some moves that your Pokemon learns throughout the evolution process might be largely useless and lackluster. That’s why, many players opt to replace those moves with better moves with the help of a TM. Fake Tears is one of the many moves you can
Every Pokemon game has its own special phenomenon that gives a Pokemon superhuman strength compared to its regular counterparts. Mega Evolutions were a staple of the original Pokemon games, while the concept of Dynamax Pokemon was introduced in Sword and Shield. Terastallization is a phenomenon
Competing in Tera Raids allows trainers to earn rare Pokemon and other rewards. The Tera Raid can be completed on one of six different difficulty settings. Depending on the challenge level, your choice of Pokémon will change significantly. It’s also important to pair Pokémon with
A brand-new phenomenon similar to Dynamax and Mega Evolution was introduced with the release of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This phenomenon is called Terastallization. It allows your Pokemon to have an additional type besides its regular type, called Tera type. Just like Max Raid Battles
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has been receiving a lot of hype for introducing a lot of mysterious Pokemon in the game through mechanisms like Stakes and Shrines, Terastallization, and much more. Besides the regular legendaries, we get to meet another set of mysterious Pokemon called