The Beginning After The End Chapter 175: At The Brink Of War! Publication Date & More

Chapter 175 of The Beginning After The End will be published on the scheduled date. The previous chapter laid the groundwork for an amazing battle scene in the future. The council was attempting to convey to him that his ships were being made when a group of men burst in. Without warning, the council was informed, the enemy had shown up at the front door. Here, therefore, without further ado, is all you need to know about this chapter.

The conflict will start in earnest for everyone in the following chapter. Since Arthur and his group were unprepared for this development, they must now rely on their last-ditch effort. If you want a sneak peek at what’s next, keep reading!

The Beginning After The End Chapter 175

The Beginning After The End Chapter 175: What Happens Next?

Before anybody could respond or figure out what was going on with the ships, the door burst open and soldiers rushed in. Threat from their foes has been reported to the council. In the same Alacryan ships, they had sailed in from the sea. That only means another conflict has broken out on the doorstep of the kingdom. There is no time to sit down and plan a course of action for any of this at the moment.

Therefore, they have no choice except to launch a frontal assault. In the first moments of Chapter 175 of The Beginning After The End, the antagonists launch a devastating assault. On top of this, we’ll be able to observe the defense strategy in action.

The Beginning After The End Chapter 175

Previous Chapter Summary!

The opening scene of The Beginning After The End Chapter 174 saw Arthur Leywin’s family get together after many years apart. In addition, he complained that he was being provided more food than he was entitled to. Afterward, he visits with Boo, the family’s enormous dog. His sister Ellie was the one who cheered the most when he got back to the house. However, he was unaware that his sister had received the beast as a present.

When Lord Windsom handed them the Dog, it was just a young puppy. In the next section, the council has a discussion. King Arthur had anticipated the arrival of further authoritative figures. Those four were the only people present. Cynthia felt drowsy due to the military discourse. They began discussing Tessia, which became the conversation’s primary focus. The chapter concluded with a chart showing the Alacryan ship modeled like Arthur.

The Beginning After The End Chapter 175

The Beginning After The End Chapter 175: Publication Date

In two days, fans will be able to read the new chapter. This officially marks the end of the weekly rollout. Since that time has come, let us now announce that January 20, 2023 will mark the last publication date of The Beginning After the End Chapter 175. The official Naver, Webtoon, and Kakaopage pages are the only places where fans may read the manga in its entirety.