The Promised Neverland Live Action Movie: Trailer, Poster and More!
The Promised Neverland live-action movie is set for a release in December 2020. We are here to update you on the trailer, illustrations, and more!
Being a psychological fantasy series, The Promised Neverland is one of a kind. In cases of gore and horror, it does not hold back.
Although it looks like everything is fun and games at first, the dark secret behind the numbered kids reveals something horrifying.
The official website of The Promised Neverland live-action movie has released a full trailer. The film will premiere in Japan on 18th December 2020.
The trailer of the movie reminds us of the hair-raising journey that was The Promised Neverland. The Gracefield house looks very much similar to the anime/manga version and so do the surroundings.
The actress who plays Isabella exhibits a motherly as well as a frightening face just as it should be.
Emma, Ray, and Norton look as similar to the manga characters as possible. The trailer also gives us an intro to the film and the theme is somewhat set right at the beginning. The monsters are created by graphic effects.
The theme song of the film, “It can’t be right” (Tadashiku Narenai), by the band, Zutomayo, was also revealed for the first time.
The Promised Neverland: Live Action Movie, PV and Visual Poster
A new poster for the live-action movie was also revealed.

Posuka Demizu, the original illustrator of The Promised Neverland manga was inspired by the film’s poster and drew his version of it. The illustration looks like a manga volume’s cover with all the characters.

One discrepancy in the poster and the film itself is the casting of Krone. Krone is an African-American character. However, she is played by Naumi Watanabe who is not of such origin.
About The Promised Neverland
Created by Kaiu Shirai, this series debuted in a Weekly Shonen Jump manga in 2016. Licensed by VIZ Media for an English Language release, this series has gained immense popularity, selling 4.2 million copies in a concise period.
It’s set in the year 2045. Emma, an 11-year-old orphan living in Grace Field House is a self-contained orphanage housing her and 37 other orphans.
The orphans are allowed complete freedom, except to venture beyond the grounds or the gate, which connects the house to the outside world.
One night, Emma comes to know the truth about the Orphanage and it’s connections to the demons.
Determined to break out of Grace Field House, Norman and Emma join with Ray to find a way to escape along with their other siblings.
Source: Official website of The Promised Neverland live-action movie
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