Akane Sawatori: Chapter 38

The antagonist of Chainsaw Man, Akane Sawatori, wasn’t exactly endearing. Nonetheless, she was an intriguing and interesting supporting character, having signed a contract with the formidable Gun Devil and fighting by Katana Man’s side.
Akane’s mastery of the Snake Devil, a monster powerful enough to challenge even Himeno’s Ghost Devil, kept Denji, Himeno, and Aki on their toes. In truth, Akane later turned the Ghost Devil against Aki, but she was ultimately defeated and killed.
Beam The Shark Devil: Chapter 65

Beam brought a lot of humor to the otherwise serious story. The Shark Devil was the type of person who would get into a fight to protect those they cared about.
Beam was more concerned with the well-being of others even in his final moments in Hell, when he pleaded with Denji to swallow his blood so that the Chainsaw Devil may be resurrected. His generosity was unrequited, as he was ripped to pieces to death.
Denji/Chainsaw Man: Chapter 1

Denji, the main character, is not immune to the fury of the Chainsaw Man. Denji was a lonely poor kid who never had much, and until his creditor showed up. An unidentified gangster made the decision to use the Zombie Devil on him.
Denji tried to escape, but was ultimately killed. He was a helpless youngster, but the first victim of the Chainsaw Man took his life anyhow. When his devil dog Pochita drank his blood and bonded with him, he narrowly avoided death.
Angel Devil: Chapter 76

This devil, who goes by the name Angel, is one of a kind. The Angel Devil was quieter and more empathetic than the other demon hunters. He insisted he was an angel by day and a devil by night, and that human beings deserved to perish in agony.
Readers will see that he was more sensitive and kind than he let on, and that he was there for Aki after Himeno’s death. After discovering Makima’s scheme, he could do nothing to change his fate.