Top 15 Strongest Characters in Black Clover (2022), Ranked!
For a series like Black Clover, ranking characters on strength is more difficult than usual.
Power in Tabata’s universe is character-based, with strength reliant on the narrative arcs and personal development of individual characters more than their species, magic, or experience.
Here are the top 15 strongest characters in Black Clover, dated to the most recent manga chapter (chapter 342)!
15 Noelle Silva x Undine
Species – Human
Magic – Water Magic

Noelle has come a long way. From someone who couldn’t even control her Water Magic, today, Noelle is served by the Water Spirit Undine herself.
Even before Undine, during the Elf Reincarnation Arc, Noelle’s whole Sea Goddess thing showed us how immense her levels of mana are. Her Valkyrie Armor borrowed from one of her mother’s spells and enhanced her offense, defense, and mobility.
Noelle’s battle and victory against Vanica was quite emotional. When Megicula emerged, she didn’t back down either, and eventually destroyed her heart. Saint Stage Noelle is certainly a force to be reckoned with.
14 Mereoleona Vermillion
Species – Human
Magic – Fire Magic

Mereoleona has got to be more beast than human. I mean, even without the Fire Spirit Salamander, who chose her brother, she is among the most powerful fire mages alive.
Just thinking back to her battle against the elves makes me wanna give her a standing ovation. It was a 1v5 for crying out loud!
She’s one of the most proficient Mana Zone users, having taught greats like Yami himself. She’s literally a lioness, having defeated an ancient demon all on her own.
She stands up to Lucifero and refuses to back down, even punching him and later mocking him. One of my favorite characters of all time, honestly.
13 Nacht Faust x 4 Devils
Species – Human x Devil
Magic – Shadow Magic

Nacht emerged from the shadows already OP. I mean, 4 devils? Shadow Magic? Vice Captain of the Black Bulls? C’mon.
He survived for years as a spy in the Spade Kingdom and has shown how endurant he is. Guy can access 4 different Unites, each with additional modes and abilities, through Gimodelo, Slotos, Plumede, and Walgner, his 4 pet devils.
Nacht has battled the Dark Triad and used his powers to try and restrain the mega powerful Lucifero. He also helped Asta defeat the fused devil form of Lilith and Nahamah.
He is also the one who pushed Asta and Liebe beyond their limits, who in turn could then Unite and chop Luci into pieces.
12 Lilith + Nahamah (Fused)
Species – Devil
Magic – Demon Ice Magic + Demon Fire Magic

Fire and Ice i.e., Nahamah and Lilith: two of the highest-ranking devils connected to the Tree of Qliphoth, residing on the first level of the underworld.
Lilith fused Nahamah’s body into hers creating a hybrid with two-fold magic powers. Their combined attributes aren’t just scary in theory. They were able to take down Nacht and his 4 devils.
Their demon ice and fire could destroy tangible and intangible things including light and shadows.
Even after they are defeated in fused form, their magic was so powerful that it continued to spread across the castle.
11 William Vangeance
Species – Human
Magic – World Tree Magic

Anyone who is a BC fan knows the powerful role William plays in the series. From being the Captain of the Golden Dawn, the most powerful squad among the Magic Knights, to being the host to the elf Patolli, to being the one of two people Lucifero needs to fuel the Tree of Qliphoth’s growth.
His World Tree Magic is so powerful and unique that you can’t really describe the full extent of what it can do. He can heal, bind, grab, puncture, absorb, create, and destroy with World Tree Magic and he’s the only one in the series known to possess it.
After Zenon kills half his squad, William’s Budding of Yggdrasil activates and heals all the members on the brink of death. His power extends beyond him.
We can also assume that William’s World Tree Magic works against the Devils like Yami’s Dark Magic, since we know his magic was needed for the Tree of Qliphoth.
10 Yuno Grinberryall x Sylph
Species – Human
Magic – Wind Magic, Star Magic

Where do I start with Yuno? 2 grimoires, 2 magical attributes, prince of the Spade Kingdom, vice-captain of the Golden Dawn, host to the elves Licht and Tetia’s son, served by the Wind Spirit.
If there’s one person who deserves all his power boosts, it’s Yuno.
Yuno’s Spirit Magic is the most powerful we’ve seen, as he is able to reach a near 100% resonance with Belle/Sylph to attain Saint Stage. With this full Spirit Dive, Yuno goes toe-to-toe with Zenon in 100% of his devil power.
With Yuno’s second grimoire, he is able to actively attack Zenon and counter his spatial magic by manipulating the stars.
With Saint Spirit of Zephyr Yuno slices through Zenon and his heart, defeating him. In chapter 336, he took down a full group of highest-ranking devils by himself.
Since Yuno hosts the elf-human hybrid, he has dual mana attribute affinity and can, with time, become one of the strongest characters in the series.
9 Sukehiro Yami
Species – Human
Magic – Dark Magic

Our favorite Captain Yami is one of those characters who entered the show powerful, but has only grown mightier since. He is constantly surpassing his limits like his protégé, Asta.
Yami could take on Licht at full power early on. He uses Dark Cloaked Dimension Slash: Equinox to slice the devil Zagred in half. He is able to defeat Captain Dorothy and shatter her Glamour World, which is actually a huge feat.
Yami fights Dante and despite being heavily injured, deals some blows on the Demon King, Lucifero. None of the other Captains were able to do this, not even Mereoleona.
Yami is a master swordsman and also possesses the ability of sensing Ki, which gives him a sixth sense to perceive things others can’t. Additionally, after the Qliphoth Advent Ritual, Yami gets a modified body structure comparable to Asta’s devil-possession. He is literally overflowing with magic and is a legend and I will fight whoever disagrees.
Recently, we found out that Yami apparently massacred the whole of the Yami clan apart from his sister, Ichika.
Yami is supposed to be a samurai assassin in addition to powerful mage. If he masters Zetten like his sister, his swordsmanship, Dark Magic, ki, and determination, is bound to take him to the top.
8 Zagred
Species – Devil
Magic – Word Soul Magic

Zagred was the primary antagonist before Lucifero and then Lucius. He was the one behind the creation of Licht’s 5-leaf clover grimoire – which he wanted to use to enter the human world, the massacre of the Elf Tribe, and the reincarnation of the elves.
His Kotodama or Word Soul Magic is one of the best magical attributes we’ve witnessed. It allowed him to manipulate his surroundings through a command and manipulate objects through speech. He could also instruct his wounds to heal and control other people and their magic.
He could also imitate other magic, and absorb mana after obtaining the 5-leaf grimoire.
Apart from his magic, Zagred’s trump card was his guile and cunningness, which he used to fool elves and mages alive.
It took the power of Licht, Patolli, the reincarnated former Wizard King, Lemiel, Yami, Secre, Asta, Yuno, and other elves and mages to take down Zagred.
7 Megicula
Species – Devil
Magic – Curse-Warding Magic, Blood Magic, Steel Magic

Megicula was the devil that took over Astaroth’s place in the Tree of Qliphoth, becoming one of the top 3 devils of the Underworld.
He entered the human world through a contract with Vanica Zogratis. Together, they could use Curse-Warding and Blood Magic. Megicula had also cursed Acier Silva and using her soul, could access Steel Magic.
Megicula was the one through which Curse Magic on Earth originated. Megicula’s power was able to overcome mages and spirits alike, as we saw when she took down Princess Lolopechka and the Water Spirit Undine.
She can also curse humans to become devils. According to Lolopechka, Megicula was stronger than Zagred.
6 Adrammelech
Species – Devil
Magic – ?

Adrammelech is a real cool cat. We don’t know much about him but of whatever we’ve seen of this highest-ranking devil, he ain’t afraid to defy orders from Luci, the literal King of Devils.
Adrammelech might be a second-level underworld resident, but he has no qualms about tearing out Lucifero’s heart after his defeat.
We know he’s working for the fourth Zogratis brother, Lucius, and we know he was able to easily manouever through Luci’s Gravity Magic. I can’t wait to see how powerful he really is.
5 Asta x Liebe
Species – Human x Devil
Magic – Anti Magic

This pair of oddballs defies all power structure. They are the exception to the rule, the unique duo who will surpass even the strongest enemy on sheer will.
Asta’s magic is in never giving up. Liebe is the perfect companion, a rebel-devil, not as powerful as other devils, but possesses Anti-magic which can nullify every other magic, including that of devils.
Asta and Liebe’s Unite, which lasts for no more than 5 minutes, enhances their Anti-magic to an extent that they could even overcome Lucifero’s Gravity Singularity.
Additionally, Asta’s insane training, his ki, his raw power, and his swordsmanship is enough to give him a high spot in any power-ranking list. Asta possesses Licht’s old grimoire, and his swords, and with Liebe’s magic, can imbue them with Anti-magic.
Asta became an Arcane Stage mage due to his control over Anti-magic and its existence due to Liebe in the first place.
He is currently in the Land of the Sun, Yami’s homeland, where he is learning advanced ki manipulation under Yami’s sister, Ichika, and the shogun, Ryudo Ryuya.
4 Ichika Yami
Species – Human
Magic – Dark Magic

Ichika, introduced in chapter 337 of the Black Clover manga, is Yami’s younger sister, and one of the 7 Ryuzen of Hino Country.
The reason she is ranked so high is because she is from the Land of the Sun, where magic is practiced in the form of yojutsu with the added manipulation of ki. Advanced warriors like Ichika can practice Zetten, which focuses yoryoku (magic power) to output an offensive move which combines ki and magic.
Ichika’s Zetten technique is so masterful that even though her yoryoku is reduced by Asta/Liebe’s Anti-Magic, Asta doesn’t stand a chance in a 1v1 with her.
He himself says that even if he had used Devil Union, he wouldn’t have been able to defeat Ichika’s insane strength.
In the latest chapter 342, Ichika unleashes Dark Yojutsu: Dark Cloaked Black Warrior which looks hella badass.
Ichika right now is among the strongest characters we’ve seen, but she’ll soon be overtaken by Asta once he gets the hang of Zetten.
3 Beelzebub
Species – Devil
Magic – Spatial Magic

One of the 3 rulers of the Underworld, Beelzebub was hosted by Zenon Zogratis of the Spade Kingdom’s Dark Triad.
Beelzebub’s magic obliterated the base of the Golden Dawn, the most powerful squad in the Clover Kingdom, defeating the likes of William Vangeance and the spirit-possessed Yuno Grinberryall.
Spatial Magic is amazing in itself, but when wielded by a devil, it’s something else. Beelzebub creates spatial blocks to trap and cancel mana within them.
He is the third strongest devil after Astaroth and Lucifero. Lucius Zogratis incarnates Beelzebub and his magic inside sister Lily, “purifying” her.
2 Lucifero
Species – Devil
Magic: – Gravity Magic

Lucifero, the King of the Underworld, was the strongest devil connected to the Tree of Qliphoth, and had the ability to manipulate gravity, warp spacetime, tear apart any kind of magic, and potentially destroy all of reality itself.
Lucifero’s magic even affected intangible concepts like dreams.
Lucifero was hosted by Dante Zogratis, who had Body Magic, with which he could manipulate bodies, regenerating and multiplying muscles, tissues, and limbs at will.
He beat powerful mages like Yami, Mereoeona, and Nacht and could fly and also transform his wings into extra arms, take control of other devils, and absorb their power to manifest as his own.
Even in his half-form, Lucifero’s speed, durability, strength, and magic, is unlike anything we had ever seen – until Astaroth, of course.
Eventually, Asta and Liebe defeated Lucifero. Adrammelech pulled out his heart, which was consumed by Lucius Zogratis, and through this, his magic and authority over other devils and the Underworld was passed on to him.
1 Lucius x Astaroth
Species – Human x Devil
Magic – Soul Magic x Time Magic + Gravity Magic

Lucius Zogratis, host to the Time Devil Astaroth, is the strongest character in Black Clover. He has three magic types: Time, Soul, and Gravity, making him stronger than any mage or devil. He can also purify devil power to transform humans to higher lifeforms.
These Paladin are near-immortal – as we saw when Lucius incarnated Beelzebub’s power within Sister Lily.
Lucius, with Astaroth’s power and his own, also has dominion over the rest of the devils in the Underworld.
Upon consuming Lucifero’s heart, Lucius gained the added magical attribute of Gravity Magic. This means he’s the only character in BC to have 3 OP magical attributes (apart from Megicula), which makes him invincible.
Apart from his obvious magical superiority, Lucius also has physical might and intelligence unlike no other. He is the final villain of Black Clover, deservedly so.
About Black Clover
Black Clover is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yūki Tabata. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since February 16, 2015.
The story centers around Asta, a young boy seemingly born without any magic power, something that is unknown in the world he lives in; and his foster brother Yuno who received the rare four-leaf grimoire and has more magic power than most people! With his fellow mages from the Black Bulls, Asta plans to become the next Wizard King.
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