Attack on Titan has gripped the entire world with its breathtakingly beautiful and complex story of survival amidst a bleak and hopeless world. The last episode of Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 1 aired on March 29, 2021, on a very suspenseful note, and
Category: Attack on Titan
As soon as Attack on Titan: Final Season’s second cour was announced, I anticipated that this would be one of the biggest releases of 2021. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view. Start Quick Read Even if
It is always exhilarating to experience anime music in an orchestra setting. We might not be able to attend the upcoming Attack on Titan Orchestra Concert in person, there’s no excuse for them to miss it this time. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button
Hajime Isayama initially planned a version where Levi Ackermann dies. He wanted Levi to die before the series is over. Levi however, does not go through the whole ordeal unscathed. Levi Ackermann is one of the most beloved characters from the anime series Attack on
Attack on Titan final season is scheduled to release sometime in early 2022. The first half aired from December 2020. Studio MAPPA will be producing the final season of the anime. MAPPA released a new teaser. This is a part of the company’s 10th anniversary
The Attack on Titan fandom won’t be complete without the many fans who compete for their respective “ships” or pairings. It’s a delicious exercise to ship two characters of an anime, who didn’t have much screen time together. Among these popular pairings, the Eren X
Back in April, when Attack on Titan was making every fan cry over its last chapter, a message from Hajime Isayama had been posted. The message, “Our battle is only getting started!!” had sparked off a lot of speculation over the series’ potential spinoff. Continue
Hajime Isamaya’s ruthless action-adventure manga “Attack on Titan” has enjoyed tremendous success since the release of its first volume in 2009. The popularity of the manga had led to the creation of a critically acclaimed anime series. Recently, the franchise has added another milestone to
Mangamo app is a blessing to manga fans who live outside of Japan to catch up on their favorite manga series. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view. Start Quick Read Due to low supply and exorbitant
The official website for Idaten Deities In the Peaceful Generation has released a new trailer on 28 May (Friday). The video revealed a whole new pack of information that left fans even more excited for the new series. The video streamed last Friday
Mappa had announced MAPPA STAGE 2021- 10th Anniversary- scheduled for 27 June 2021 earlier this year. There have been a series of revelations about the event and guests via the official account on Twitter. Among them are well-known names like Yuki Kaji (Eren Yeager, AOT)
Attack on Titan will never ever stop smashing world records for a ton of reasons. Attack on Titan tells the story of a dystopian world plagued with humanoid man-eating creatures called Titans. However, Hajime Isayama makes sure the plot doesn’t become a typical Kaiju