Shingeki no Kyojin premiered a new episode of its anime series last Sunday, and announced that the final season will have a second part. The joy of the fans at the news was mixed with concern—because they will have to wait until the launch of the new episodes, but the manga on
Category: Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan’s final chapter will be released in just a few more days. Hajime Isayama has reportedly submitted the draft for the manga, and the series’ fans are now waiting with bated breaths. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this
Attack on Titan’s Season 4 Episode 16 is the last episode of the current cour, and it ended with a bang. Levi has not been shown onscreen ever since the thunder spear exploded in episode 15. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to
Attack on Titan has just revealed a piece of news that has proven to be quite a shock to anime fans. The final season of the anime will continue next winter!? Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick
Shingeki no Kyojin is also known by the name Attack On Titan created by Hajime Isayama. The story starts about humanity living inside big walls because outside those walls there are giants (titans) and all they seem to do is try to eat humans. How will season
Attack on Titan When we anime fans from all around the world hear the name “Attack on Titan”, we suddenly got so hyped, yeah because we all know how beautifully this masterpiece is created with an amazing storyline and plot twists. It’s like we got
The Smiling Titan has gained immense levels of notoriety for its wide smile that sends chills down every fan’s spine. Just put yourself in Eren’s shoes and imagine watching your beloved mom being eaten alive. No wonder, his hatred against Titans reached a whole new
Japan is facing one crisis after another. As if a pandemic wasn’t enough, Japan also has to keep up with earthquakes. Attack of Titan, our favorite gory anime, was cut off midway due to an emergency earthquake warning. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button
Jean Kirstein’s horse face is often a running gag in the Attack on Titan anime. His overly dramatic fights with Eren- due to a lot of personal differences- give viewers relief from all the gore and despair. Jean constantly mocks Eren for wanting to join
Marco Bott was a brilliant soldier and a voice of reason during times of trouble. His relationships with Jean and Armin were brief but nevertheless, had a deep impact on them. He was one of the few ones who believed in Jean‘s leadership skills because
Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 12 was bone-chilling. There was no titan transformation, no mass-killing, no violence that can be compared to what we have already encountered. Yet, something in the anime has shifted to take a turn for the worse. Continue scrolling to
The Attack on Titan community has been incredibly divided over the question of saving either Armin or Erwin. Just imagine yourself in the shoes of Levi Ackerman, having to make this decision amidst the rage of both Mikasa and Eren. To be fair, it’s a