You may be familiar with “Mysterious Disappearances” if you enjoy mystery, thriller, or horror anime like “Death Note” or “My Home Hero.” It is also known as ‘Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi’ which translates to ‘Mysteries, Maidens, and Mysterious Disappearances’. The manga is a slice-of-life
Category: Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi
It’s been a long time, but now it’s done! Kaii To Otome To Kamikakushi has been a popular manga series, and now it’s receiving an anime adaptation. It’s going to become very interesting in this mystery tale. Also, the public will have the chance to
Bizarre and surreal plots have become mainstream in the last few years, and ‘Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi’ is a brilliant product of this trend. The story follows an aspiring writer Sumireko Ogawa who works at a bookstore with a boy named Ren Adashino. Ogawa