Kunou, the Do Not Say Mystery manga’s protagonist, is an average high school student with not-so-average observance skills. With remarkable memory and crazy deduction abilities, he might just be the new revolution in the live-action series’ detective genre. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button
Tag: Manga
The fight that Shen has been preparing himself for is finally happening and even when he almost at the brink of death he returned to take his revenge. The fans are very excited to see the outcome of this battle in the upcoming Undead Unluck
Jujutsu Kaisen is long past needing an introduction. You have to be living under a rock not to have heard of this series. After a super-hit anime adaptation, the manga is here to give us an immersive experience of the Shibuya arc! Continue scrolling to
The first time you look at The Island Where Puddles Float manga, you’d think that it is just a struggle-based slice of life. But then you dig deeper and find out that it has much more to it than you imagined. Continue scrolling to keep
The final arc started with many unpredicted changes in the plot and now when Takemichi has traveled in a time zone when he is in High School, we all can expect to see amazing development in his character and personality in the upcoming Tokyo Revengers
A fateful confrontation is about to begin – Thorfinn is going to take his first step towards a peaceful future. We all are very excited for Vinland Saga Chapter 184 to see ho this crucial meeting goes. Can Thorfinn pull it off? Can he do
Nothing can beat the Fate/Grand Order franchise when it comes to fantasy. Be it a game, manga, anime, or film, the Fate series rules all the domains! Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view. Start Quick Read
The Jujutsu Kaisen manga received a tremendous response in sales after the anime came out in October 2020. Everyone was thrilled to see the manga getting the recognition it deserves! Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick view.
My Hero Academia has taken a dark turn lately. It is not the sunny day shounen it once began as. With the release of the latest chapter, things have taken a grim turn indeed. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this
Even with relatively new characters, My Hero Academia never fails to intrigue the fans about their backstory. With the recent introduction of the former hero Lady Nagant, fans felt the same. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below to start this article in quick
It is no surprise that mangakas are always under constant pressure about releasing new chapters, and fans often get concerned for the author’s health. Recently, Jujutsu Kaisen readers and fans showed concern for Gege Akutami. In the recent chapters of the manga, fans have noticed
While all of us were putting our faiths on Asta and Liebe, Yuki Tabata was preparing to focus on other magic knights as well. Black Bull’s Magna has been stealing the attention in Black Clover’s latest chapters. Continue scrolling to keep readingClick the button below