Category: Anime

Five Saddest Anime Villains

Five Saddest Anime Villains

Rui (Demon Slayer) In Demon Slayer, Rui is one of the twelve Kizuki who serve as Muzan Kibutsuji’s subjects. He is the head of a coven of spider demons that dwell atop a forested mountain while having the appearance of a child. Rui enlisted others

Greatest My Hero Academia Professionals

Greatest My Hero Academia Professionals

Discover the inside scoop on the top-tier heroes of My Hero Academia right here! Sir Nighteye Sir Nighteye is incredibly powerful as All Might’s sidekick, although his Foresight Quirk doesn’t actually improve his fighting skills. He initially wrote off Deku as an inept user of

The Genre of Happy-Ending-Free Shonen Anime

The Genre of Happy-Ending-Free Shonen Anime

Everything you wanted to know about the Shonen Anime with a bleak conclusion is right here. Happy Sugar Life Despite the misleading title, almost little in Happy Sugar Life is actually joyful. The protagonist, Satou Matsuzaka, is arguably the most menacing new Yandere girl since

The Most Well-Known Bleach characters

The Most Well-Known Bleach characters

Captain Kenpachi Zaraki Fans of Bleach have always adored Captain Kenpachi, even when he was introduced in the Soul Society arc as a hostile brute. Bloodthirsty and aggressive, Kenpachi yet lives by a strict code of honor. He’s the best because he acts like a